
male LV 1

Author and editor of many publications.

2022-06-30 Se unió Venezuela
Obras originales
Insignias 3

  • Gold on the Moon original

    Gold on the Moon


    Once upon a time in 2067, one hundred years after the Outer Space Treaty that prohibits the appropriation of natural resources in space, from the Olympia space station, the Commander Howard Pickpower and his crew are in charge of various activities: development of miraculous vaccines, carry out tests with solar energy, destroy space debris and potentially dangerous meteorites or asteroids, and analyze the composition of celestial bodies, searching for new materials and investigating existing ones. A sensational discovery in the hidden zone of the Moon, faithfully kept in secret, sets off alarms in the Olympia and its governing bodies (the International Space Agency and the United Nations Security Council). So much so that its geopolitical implications could lead to disregarding the Outer Space Treaty and space legislation, and initiate a stage of space mining, with armed conflicts among several nations or a world war. Meanwhile, five spaceships from different governments and corporations, motivated by the leak of information and rumors, are traveling to the far side of the Moon. Commander Howard Pickpower is instructed to prevent the moon landings, but has problems with Captain Tishy Glassvery, who is determined to take command of Olympia, and reveal to the citizens that indeed: there is gold on the Moon! In the same way, Howard Pickpower and Tishy Glassvery have a strange love-hate relationship. But, in the end the forces of love will decide their destiny, and that of humanity! So, what will happen when citizens know the truth? What will be the geopolitical and economic implications? How will the special legislation remain, given the eminent disowning of the prohibition of appropriating space natural resources? Although surely, there will be an unusual beginning of the new space age... Chapters of the novel Chapter One. The Majesty of the Cosmos Chapter Two. A Sensational Discovery Chapter Three. The New Exploratory Missions Chapter Four. The Great Space Accidents Chapter Five. The New Leadership at Olympia Chapter Six. The Revelation of the Big Secret Chapter Seven. The Unusual Beginning of the New Space Age Chapter Eight. The Return of a Commander Chapter Nine. The Great Failure of Space Missions Chapter Ten. The New Beginning of the Space Age Epilogue

    4 Chs 0 Colecciones

  • Stories of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler original

    Stories of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler


    Dr. Watson confesses the following: “Having failed in my goal of defeating Irene Adler, since there are no ways to capture her or make Sherlock Holmes give up his obsession with her, I decided to compile the most important adventures, in which they participated, expecting that one day there will be justice and Irene Adler will pay for her crimes, or she or one of her heirs (if they exist), at least will return a large part of that immense fortune, acquired illegally. These are the stories I am presenting: The Assault on the Phenix Jewelry Store, Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth, The Illegitimate Brother of the Earl of Ducadia, The Strange Death of Irene Adler While Blackmailing Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Theft of St Edward's Crown, The Trial of Sherlock Holmes, and The Secret Marriage of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler and Three Other Cases.”

    3 Chs 2 Colecciones

  • The Secret Marriage of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler and Three Other original

    The Secret Marriage of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler and Three Other


    Sherlock Holmes has been missing for three days. In principle, Dr. Watson doesn´t think much of it because the detective has done this before. However, from the end of the second day, Watson begins to worry and faints upon receiving news of Mycroft Holmes, who, supported by agents from the secret service office, follows the trail of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler through some Scottish islands, while he is sure that they are going to get married in secret. Moreover, Mycroft Holmes is extremely concerned: from the Queen’s stable, three horses that will represent the nation in an international classic have been abducted, and also the niece of the Secretary for European Affairs, Sir Trelawney Hope (whose political power surpasses the influence of the British prime ministers of the last decade), has been kidnapped. In addition to this, a dark secret persists with the missing niece, and the geopolitical consequences of both cases could be fatal for the Conservative Party and the English government, who would lose respect and credibility in the European community and the British colonies. Mycroft Holmes and Watson are upset by the irresponsible and insane attitudes of Sherlock Holmes, who claims to be on vacation. Although the great detective is aware of the delicate situation, and working remotely, he sends telegrams that allow his brother and Watson to get to the bottom of the truth and solve these complicated cases. And following the trail of a telegram from Sherlock Holmes and other deductions from inspector Patterson and Watson, who remembers other words from the missing detective, a Scotland Yard and secret service team, accompanied by Watson, and led by Mycroft and Lestrade, go to the Canary Islands, precisely to the third, known as La Gomera, with the purpose of finding Sherlock Holmes, capturing Irene Adler, preventing that wedding and recovering jewels stolen by that damned woman, including the Koh-i-Noor diamond. Nonetheless, although it is known that Irene Adler was related to the two previous cases, the objective of Sherlock Holmes, planned for several years, is to return the Koh-i-Noor diamond to the Queen, even at the expense of a forced marriage with Irene Adler. The wedding takes place in a Spanish galleon with the support of a Norwegian captain. However, the situation is confusing and events escape of the control of the authorities. On the one hand, Sherlock Holmes has a plan to recover the Koh-i-Noor diamond and annul this marriage. And on the other hand, in one way or another, Irene Adler always wins, and she deceives the detective and his collaborators, dealing an inconceivable blow to the Spanish Crown. Moreover, Watson suspects that previously Holmes and Adler secretly married in Scotland, which is the beginning of an Adler’s sinister plan to become a new European queen... Content: First Part, The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes Second Part, The Rescue of the Politician’s Niece Third Part, The Unusual Marriage of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler

    1 Chs 2 Colecciones

  • Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth original

    Sherlock Holmes Discovers the Secrets of Wealth

    History ACTION

    After the masterful return of Sherlock Holmes and finishing the cases of the murders of Ronald Adair and Raschy Cooper, as well as the confirmation of the disappearance of the heir to Alsace, the famous detective receives a strange gift from a publisher: the novel of Frankenstein, which he reads avidly in just two nights, but it has a hidden message that can lead to a new investigation. Meanwhile, Dr. Watson pays a visit to the famous detective because they have several pending tasks, which include: re-examining the incriminating evidence against Sebastian Moran, attending the trial of Raschy Cooper's killer and identifying the body of Godfrey Norton, due to a diplomatic and financial conflict with the French government. However, Sherlock Holmes dismisses these activities, tells Dr. Watson about omissions in Frankenstein’s novel and insists on going to the publisher to request modifications to that book. Dr. Watson is surprised that this effort exceeds the search for Irene Adler, and he gets a big surprise at the Mainor publishing house. A valuable book, The Secrets of Wealth, of which only one copy exists, was stolen from the safe, in the publisher's office, and it can be plagiarized and sold as an international best seller, in Europe and America, while the publisher has no way of proving that he owns the intellectual property rights. The sensational Sherlock Holmes discovers how they found out the combination of the safe, who is the author of that crime and where is that stolen book. Nonetheless, he must confront the head of Scotland Yard, in order to recover that literary work, and once his mission is accomplished, he carefully analyzes the great secrets of wealth and reflects on how to put them into practice. Likewise, this story is related to: A Scandal in Bohemia, The Final Problem, The Adventure of the Empty House, and The Big Secret of Sherlock Holmes and His Struggle Against the Organization. Content: First Part, Sherlock Holmes Is Obsessed With Frankenstein Second Part, The Theft of a Valuable and Unique Book Third Part, The Secrets of Wealth

    1 Chs 6 Colecciones

  • Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus original

    Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus


    Coming from a wealthy family, Victor Frankenstein is extremely ambitious: he wants to know the secrets of the origin of life. Living in Geneva, Switzerland, he goes to a German university to study medicine, and at that time, his mother passes away. He is a brilliant student and wants to bring the dead from beyond and create life from inanimate matter. Also, in his immense ambition, he wants to be recognized as a father god of a new species. In this regard, he experiments with corpses and creates Frankenstein's monster. Nonetheless, the monster escapes and he goes into a severe depression with many health problems. Furthermore, he returns to his hometown because his young brother is murdered and his cousin, a beautiful girl, is accused of this death. Later, he goes to the mountains and has a discussion with the monster, who explains him how he survived in the woods, spied a family of cottagers, learned too much about humans and himself, and being rejected and attacked by a population, the cottagers and a man, after saving a woman, in revenge, he decided to burn down the shack of the cottagers, murder Frankenstein's brother and put the false proof on her cousin. The monster asks to create a female of his kind and he promises to go away from Europe and will not bother human beings anymore. At first, Victor Frankenstein rejects the request, but he is convinced by the monster and accepts. Several months later, in Scotland, Victor Frankenstein is ready to create the monster's female. However, he reflects and ravages it, drawing out the wrath of the monster, who murders Victor Frankenstein's best friend. Next, the medical student is accused and sent to jail for this death, although his father goes to the island, and manages to prove his innocence and free him. The monster has threatened to kill Victor Frankenstein's future wife, and despite all precautions, during their honeymoon, she is murdered. A few days after hearing this news, afflicted by so much pain, Victor Frankenstein's father dies, and he decides to take revenge on the monster. Victor Frankenstein chases him around the North Pole, but he is extremely afflicted, sick and weak, and is rescued by a ship. In bed, he tells the whole story to the captain, who is the narrator of this story (4 letters to his sister and 24 chapters). Finally, the monster appears in front of his creator, but Victor Frankenstein is already dead. He explains to the captain the reasons for his behavior and indicates that his revenge is complete, he is sorry for the death of innocent victims and will go to burn his body on a pyre, since he does not want to continue living. The monster abandons the ship in order to fulfill his last promise... Also, it is relevant to note that in this novel of science fiction and horror other stories converge: first, the captain communicates with his sister about his desire to have a great friend, his ambitious travels and the strange tale of Frankenstein, second, there is a traumatic story of Victor Frankenstein's mother, daughter of his father's best friend, third, the relationship between Victor Frankenstein and his best friend, fourth, the adoption of Victor Frankenstein's future wife, fifth, the trial of the Turk, sixth, the love relationship between the Turk's daughter and the son of the family, who helped him escape from jail, and seventh, the condemn and exile of that French family, who are pleased to accept another fugitive: the Turk's daughter. Content Introduction Letters 1 ... 4 Chapters 1 ... 24 Conclusions Final Considerations

    10 Chs 3 Colecciones

  • A Thousand and One Nights original

    A Thousand and One Nights


    A Thousand and One Nights is a collection of various Arabic and Oriental tales, written mostly between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, although some stories come from earlier times, and these were collected and translated in Western languages, since the eighteenth century, in France. It should be noted that this is a great story. It begins with the short tale of two powerful brothers, the king Shahryar and the king Schahzaman, both deceived by their wives, which humiliated them. However, the firstborn and wisest, king Shahryar, decides to marry every night and murder his wife at the dawn of the next day, satisfying a strange thirst for revenge. These unprecedented actions, that resemble sacrifices of human beings, created terror in the kingdom, many fathers fled with their daughters, and there came a time where the vizier, faithful servant of the king, couldn´t find more wives and was convinced by his intelligent eldest daughter, Scheherazade, to be handed over to the monarch. In this regard, she is a heroine, who understands the need to liberate her people and restore the rights of women, and conceives an unusual plan to prevent her death and persuade the king to eliminate his bloody practices: every night the bold Scheherazade tells a story, but she doesn´t ends it, forcing the curious king to let her live for the next night. Later, if she finishes that tale, then Scheherazade continues with another unfinished narration and so on, staying for a thousand and one nights... It is not known who designed this extraordinary leading story, which wonderfully fulfills two great objectives: first, joining a large collection of different and non-related narrations into a single literary work, and second, developing an incredible story, in which a weak but intelligent heroine defeats an evil and powerful king.

    15 Chs 4 Colecciones

  • The Big Secret of Sherlock Holmes... original

    The Big Secret of Sherlock Holmes...


    Sherlock Holmes had other reasons to confront James Moriarty and was on the trail of Irene Adler, who knows his big secret. In addition to this, Mrs. Watson has another family, the Swindhit, who have generated a tense relationship between Dr. Watson and his wife, aggravated by the reckless behavior of the famous detective. Therefore, Sherlock Holmes was obsessed with liquidating the organization's top boss, James Moriarty, arresting Irene Adler and unmasking those strange relatives of Mrs. Watson, while Dr. Watson suffers from a strange incurable neurological disease. So, what happened before and after the fake death of Sherlock Holmes? Despite his limitations, Dr. Watson tells a great story that includes: further escapes of Irene Adler, secret lover of Sherlock Holmes and known as the countess of crime, details about the Swindhit and the organization, the disappearance and return of the mysterious Mrs. Watson, and the possible revelation of the big secret of Sherlock Holmes, which has made the famous detective tremble and suffer too much... Of course, Sherlock Holmes, who worked undercover for three years as Sigerson, fighting against the Swindhit and the organization, after his masterful return faces enormous challenges: protecting his dark secret from the threats of Irene Adler, achieving the return of Mrs. Watson and taking down the almighty organization, which constitutes the greatest menace to European governments, running illegal businesses and financing organized crime, throughout the world.

    5 Chs 9 Colecciones

  • O Astrólogo do Presidente original

    O Astrólogo do Presidente


    Esta não é a história de um herói, é a de Cuasimodo Fiestero, um vilão conhecido como o astrólogo do Presidente. Em um futuro não muito distante, Cuasimodo Fiestero, um perseguido político do norte e nacionalizado em um país do sul, amante da astrologia e praticante das ciências ocultas, que comparece perante o Congresso Nacional e a Corte Suprema de Justiça para evitar a proibição da astrologia, surpreende pelos seus conhecimentos astrológicos e incríveis predições, sendo o consultor estrela do Presidente, assessorando-o em várias áreas, incluindo o plano econômico da nação, as estratégias comerciais e a decisão de declarar a guerra a outro país. O audacioso Cuasimodo Fiestero, considerado um charlatão e questionado pela Igreja e os setores da direita, após ser demitido pelo Presidente, prevê a reeleição daquele governante e sua imediata destituição. Embora ele é o arquiteto da vitória eleitoral de uma nova Presidente e reconhecido como o astrólogo de dois presidentes, é vítima de uma conspiração que o obriga a ir para a clandestinidade. Parece que o astrólogo do Presidente, amado e admirado por muitos cidadãos e ao mesmo tempo odiado e desprezado por outros, não é uma lenda...

    2 Chs 0 Colecciones

  • The Happiness Machine original

    The Happiness Machine


    The bold detective Jerónimo Ghalia faces the last case of his successful career. He must prove that the happiness machine is a fraud and investigate the alleged financial illicit acts of the international corporation Ultimate Happiness. In addition, there are strange suicide figures, year after year, of those affiliated to this company, which seem to follow a predetermined pattern. However, the case is not as simple as it seems, ten other researchers have already failed in their attempts to impute Ultimate Happiness, which invests in treasury bills and sovereign funds of several countries and doesn´t deduct their multiple donations for tax purposes. Likewise, the interests of the police chiefs and even those of the President of the Republic converge, aiming to close the investigation without finding guilty ones. Although the controversial Jerónimo Ghalia, exhausted and suffering from burn-out, after many disappointments during his difficult work, which led him to see the worst of human nature, when analyzing the content of the Ultimate Happiness course and finding the secrets of happiness, gives a new turn to his life, after concluding this latest investigation and going into retirement...

    2 Chs 0 Colecciones

  • El Astrólogo del Presidente original

    El Astrólogo del Presidente


    Esta no es la historia de un héroe, más bien es la de Cuasimodo Fiestero, un villano, conocido como el astrólogo del Presidente. En un futuro no muy lejano, Cuasimodo Fiestero, perseguido político del norte y nacionalizado en un país del sur, aficionado a la astrología y practicante de las ciencias ocultas, quien comparece ante el Congreso Nacional y la Corte Suprema de Justicia para evitar la prohibición de la astrología, sorprende por sus conocimientos astrológicos e increíbles predicciones, siendo el consultor estrella del Presidente, asesorándolo en diversos ámbitos, incluyendo el plan económico de la nación, las estrategias comerciales y la decisión de declararle la guerra a otro país. El audaz Cuasimodo Fiestero, calificado como farsante y cuestionado por la Iglesia y los sectores de la derecha, tras ser despedido por el Presidente, pronostica la reelección de ese mandatario y su pronta destitución. Sin embargo, a pesar que es el artífice de la victoria electoral de una nueva Presidente y es reconocido como el astrólogo de dos Presidentes, es víctima de una conspiración que lo obliga a pasar a la clandestinidad. Parece que el astrólogo del Presidente, amado y admirado por muchos ciudadanos, y a la vez, odiado y despreciado por otros, no es una leyenda…

    4 Chs 1 Colecciones

  • La Nueva Historia del Rey Midas original

    La Nueva Historia del Rey Midas


    Muchos conocemos la historia del rey Midas, pero no sabemos nada de sus descendientes ni del futuro del reino, y además hay grandes posibilidades que este relato haya sido contado de otra manera. A pesar de su arrogancia, el audaz y astuto rey Midas XVI, muy diferente a los monarcas anteriores, se preocupa por los problemas del reino y espera mejorar el bienestar y la riqueza de sus súbditos, siendo incluso comparado con el legendario rey Salomón. Sumamente preocupado por una eminente recesión en el reino y anticipándose al malestar de sus súbditos, el rey Midas XVI lee una misteriosa carta de su antepasado lejano, el primer rey Midas, en la cual se le indica que debe enfrentar tres difíciles pruebas y finalmente cumplir con un requisito desconocido. Asombrado porque descubre que la estatua dorada de la hija del rey y las de los cinco servidores realmente fueron personas en otros tiempos, él está dispuesto a acabar con una terrible maldición, permitir que el alma del primer rey Midas abandone el inframundo, y liberar a la hija del rey Midas y los cinco funcionarios de su terrible prisión. Aunque el rey Midas XVI lucha contra un terrible demonio y una bruja milenaria, en las rutas del fin del mundo, y supera las tres pruebas, le queda pendiente cumplir con un requisito desconocido, el cual será planteado por el dueño del inframundo, Hades, y solo contará con la ayuda de su fiel consejera, Marina…

    4 Chs 2 Colecciones

  • The Astrologer of the President original

    The Astrologer of the President


    This isn´t the tale of a hero. Rather, it is Cuasimodo Fiestero’s story, a villain, known as the astrologer of the President. In the not too distant future, Cuasimodo Fiestero, persecuted politically from the north and nationalized in a southern country, fan of astrology and practitioner of occult sciences, who appears before the National Congress and the Supreme Court of Justice to avoid the prohibition of astrology, surprises with his deep astrological knowledge and incredible predictions, being the President's best consultant, advising him on several issues, including the nation's economic plan, business strategies and the decision to declare war on another country. The bold Cuasimodo Fiestero, qualified as a fake and questioned by the Church and the sectors of the right, after being fired by the President, predicts the re-election of that ruler and his prompt dismissal. However, although he is responsible for the electoral victory of a new President and is recognized as the astrologer of two Presidents, Fiestero is the victim of a conspiracy that forces him to go underground. It seems that the President's astrologer, loved and admired by many citizens, and at the same time, hated and despised by others, isn´t a legend...

    2 Chs 0 Colecciones

  • The New Story of King Midas original

    The New Story of King Midas



    Many of us know the story of king Midas, but we do not know anything about his descendants or the future of the kingdom, and there are also great possibilities that this tale has been told in another way. Despite his arrogance, the bold and cunning king Midas XVI, very different from previous monarchs, worries about the kingdom's problems and hopes to improve the well-being and wealth of his subjects, being even compared to the legendary king Solomon. Extremely concerned about an eminent recession in the kingdom and anticipating the unrest of his subjects, the king Midas XVI reads a mysterious letter from his distant ancestor, the first king Midas, which tells that he must face three difficult tests, and finally fulfill an unknown requirement. Astonished because he discovers that the golden statue of the king's daughter and those of the five servants were people in other times, he is willing to end a terrible curse, allow the soul of the first king Midas to leave the underworld, and free the daughter of king Midas and the five officials of their terrible prison. Although the king Midas XVI fights against a terrible demon and a millennial witch, on the routes of the end of the world, and passes all three tests, he still has to meet an unknown requirement, which will be raised by the owner of the underworld, Hades, and only his faithful counselor, Marina, can help him...

    8 Chs 0 Colecciones

  • ¡Oro en la Luna! original

    ¡Oro en la Luna!


    Érase el año 2067, a los cien años del Tratado sobre el Espacio Exterior que prohíbe apropiarse de recursos naturales en el espacio, desde la estación espacial Olimpia, el comandante John Pickpower y su tripulación están a cargo de diversas actividades: elaboración de vacunas, hacer pruebas con la energía solar, destruir desechos espaciales y meteoritos o asteroides potencialmente peligrosos, y analizar la composición de los cuerpos celestes, buscando nuevos materiales e indagando sobre los existentes.

    0 Chs 1 Colecciones