Webnovel Author: OutBoxer024 - Fanfic&Novel Collection



male LV 4


2022-06-24 Se unió United Nations

Insignias 7

Moments 140


Okay, a few criticisms (take note: I am writing this at 2am so I may not be in the soundest of mind rn): Let's first address the most blatant one, the spacing. Please fix the spacing since whole paragraphs are being cut by random "Enters". Second would be the fight between Dranevee. While there was nothing wrong with it, it felt incredibly lackluster. I just expected a longer drawn out fight. Also, you never addressed what happened to Lucas and Elijah. Remember that before Anos arrived, Elijah became unconscious and Lucas was still rampaging. Third would be the way you treat the Lances. Lances are not disposable soldiers that Arthur could just randomly ask Virion to call for. Keep in mind they are supposed to be the most elite and powerful mages to have ever graced Dicathen. So, Anos just ordering Arthur to get them doesn't make a lot of sense. Fourth would be the whole fight with Eugo La Raviaz. Basically, Anos can still use Ingall on a target even after 3 seconds, it's just that its success rate exponentially decreases after 3 seconds. Also, Eugo La Raviaz only appears when rewinding time is done not locally, so the entire world's time is a big no no. Eugo La Raviaz is also just a Keeper God (basically just a god that protects an order, not the embodiment of an order like proper Gods), meaning he doesn't have a personality and in the small chance that he does like we see in the show, he is only focused on correcting time, nothing else. He wouldn't even try to converse with Anos. He'd simply possess/give his power to Dranevee and try to get it over with as fast as possible. Another thing to note is the Garden of Time, the Garden of Time really only sucks in the people wanting to use Rivide (as we saw how only Anos, Misha, and Sasha were the only ones in the Garden before Eugo La Raviaz pulled in Ivis), and it is a separate dimension from the main one. Finally, the last criticism would be the people's reaction. I can tell it was made by AI. People wouldn't accept that he's a royal, they don't know what a Demon King is, and very few know the existence of Gods (they think Asuras are gods). Their reactions were completely unfounded. The same can also be said with Anos' reaction. Anos was never a sadist or someone who revelled in the fear or praise of others. I suggest reading the light novel to better understand Anos' personality. Please don't take this the wrong way, I love that you enjoyed my fanfic that you decided to adopt this when I stopped writing. I am simply offering you criticism in order for you to improve your work. I understand English isn't your first language, I just hope you put my advice to heart.

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