The picture which was used as a screensaver that they had chanced on, was that of their colleague maid. She looked beaten to an inch of her life, if not dead. The question was, why would someone use that as a screensaver? That was so sadistic. This had spread amongst all of them in no time. They were all basically walking on eggshells.
Fantasy · Loctovia
He sighed and then turned away with a single thought: 'It looks like History will repeat itself.'
Fantasy · Loctovia
"Yes, my Prince," the elder bowed in acknowledgement, and the rest followed suit. They could feel a repeat of that incident happening yet again, but they did not understand why Prince Syla was still insisting on taking the same path that had brought him doom!
Fantasy · Loctovia
idiots never change, it would seems!
"Yes, my Prince," the elder bowed in acknowledgement, and the rest followed suit. They could feel a repeat of that incident happening yet again, but they did not understand why Prince Syla was still insisting on taking the same path that had brought him doom!
Fantasy · Loctovia
Little did he know that he would never get to sit on the Fae throne that was right in front of him. The throne that he had envied for all his life just because of one incident!
Fantasy · Loctovia
poor Curry!
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Fantasy · Loctovia
"Really? Suzie too? But she has Mama Shelby? I am sure Mama Shelby would not mind having a big girl as her daughter, too. She said that she has a big heart that is enough for all of us!"
Fantasy · Loctovia
At this point, Ian knew that if he had seen Shelby kill someone with her own hands and not just the 'painting theory', he was pretty sure that he would have been turned on instead. Yes, that may be messed up, but that was only because no one could view his wife as he did. Her smallish body, her perfect proportions, killer beauty, perfect eyelashes, startling blue eyes …. Oh! Just that thought!
Aliya's Shoes
Fantasy · Loctovia