knight_Reaper_ - Profile



male LV 12

A man who enjoys reading and finding good reads. I like unique stories or engaging ones. Also like realistic books in the sense of needing to work really hard and sweat blood and tears to get OP.

2022-06-10 Se unió Canada

Insignias 10

Moments 38



"Haha. Good, Good as for the favo-wait did you just say no? Child I offer you a once in a lifetime chance, and you refuse it so blindly?"



Video Games · God_Of_Brutality



In Marvel as The Hive

In Marvel as The Hive

Movies · ZeroX0666


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Replied to tyronxxz

I think I’m going to enjoy seeing these OP monsters.

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Este libro ha sido eliminado.
Replied to knight_Reaper_

After we got back we got extremely sick as we were cold as hell when we got back. It still was an amazing Christmas as we also went ice fishing and it was fun.

Hi thanks again for reading my fanfic as I have been thinking and decided to make a fun challenge for you readers. You can text me one of the funniest moments or stories that happen in your life and if I got like five stories from the comment section or in the paragraph comment's from all of you I'll update like five or six chapter's tomorrow.

MHA Quirk: Calling Critters

MHA Quirk: Calling Critters

Anime & Comics · Jingle303


Don’t have a funny story but one about how I almost froze to death. Alright here’s the story. I was in a cabin in winter with my aunties family for Christmas and we had some activities we decided to do. One of those activities was riding around on snow mobiles driving through the forest and on the frozen river. We had been driving around for a couple hours at that point before we decided to take a detour on to a lake since the rivers ice was so thick you could drive a truck on it no problem. I was behind my uncle and the it was my sister then my dad. I was right behind my uncle since we were testing the waters and we drove on top of some dead plants popping above the ice. Well guess what happened next… Got your answer That’s right the ice broke forcing my uncle to jump off his snowmobile as well as me. My uncle got wet in the water but only his legs I wasn’t wet only on my boots. My dad checked on me and my uncle but we couldn’t leave the snowmobiles. So for the next four hours my dad and uncle tried to take a snowmobile almost falling into the water getting there pants west multiple times and succeeded in taking them out of the water. I mine was fine but my uncle’s was completely fu$&ed with its engine full of water. We had to carefully leave the lake following the exact path as we had begun to hear cracking noises THROUGH OUR HELMETS when we went a bit to far. That was scary but not as scary as almost losing my thumb for forgetting to turn on your thumb heater in -27 degree Celsius weather at 8:00pm at night. And that’s the story of I my dad and uncle almost froze to death on vacation. The only thing that stopped my uncle and dad from freezing was those amazing snow pants. They were amazing according to my dad he still has them and always uses them when it’s cool as butt out side.👍

Hi thanks again for reading my fanfic as I have been thinking and decided to make a fun challenge for you readers. You can text me one of the funniest moments or stories that happen in your life and if I got like five stories from the comment section or in the paragraph comment's from all of you I'll update like five or six chapter's tomorrow.

MHA Quirk: Calling Critters

MHA Quirk: Calling Critters

Anime & Comics · Jingle303


This just gave me the idea that fatalis is an option. It’s legend and completely wiped out a kingdom in one day from what I remember and became a horror story to all who know of it. It will probably be a stronger card later on possibly the older fatalis will make it an upgradable card. God I just love to see monster hunter related stories and stories that use them. Keep up the great work author.

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(In short) Nope (In long form) I’m fine with it but there are just too many stories with some sort of seggs. It personally just waters down some stories but maybe yours will be different. But I haven’t found a good book without it in a while so… NO

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[GoldMiner: Don't be so pessimistic. If we can awaken a powerful superpower, we might be able to team up with Ayame instead of just being a useless cannon fodder. I want to awaken time manipulation!]

God-Level Game Developer System: I Brought In-Game Items To Real World

God-Level Game Developer System: I Brought In-Game Items To Real World

Games · ShadowKatake


The best FF I’ve read so far. I hope to see more of this amazing book and encourage you to continue releasing chapters.

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Bruh I just had some soup and was full! you just made me hungry again.

He then added diced onions, and other exotic ingredients to create a medley of textures and tastes. Finally, he combined the dish with rice noodles and finished off with a homemade concoction of a pad thai sauce using the excess tamarind paste, fish sauce, palm sugar, oyster sauce, all in appropriate measurement, and then three tablespoon of water—which perfectly balanced the sweetness, sourness, saltiness, and umami notes of the dish!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

The Profane Dungeon Is A Trap!

Fantasy · YokoyokoRPG

Replied to knight_Reaper_

I wonder what his twist on the series will be.

So yes the original story is coming eventually, after Horizon, and most likely one other fanfic is done. (Either ATLA, Korra, Or Fairy Tail, still undecided so feel free to let me know what you'd like)

MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene


I like to see ATLA I think it be amazing.

So yes the original story is coming eventually, after Horizon, and most likely one other fanfic is done. (Either ATLA, Korra, Or Fairy Tail, still undecided so feel free to let me know what you'd like)

MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene

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