AtlasBreaker - Profile


male LV 14
2022-06-06 Se unió Global

Insignias 11

Moments 34


calling him*

…showing that Diana had been calling her more than 100 times now.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


his mother*

If he knew that the Government would actually have created a broken replica of her mother and let them suffer… he would have probably fought to shut down the project.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


she had*

Like Riley, Hannah was also with a random group. But unlike the rest of the Baby Crew, she was lucky enough to be grouped with Tomoe. And since she was Riley's sister, he had the privilege of borrowing the electric jet truck to reach the places they needed to go quicker.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


sending him*

And it wasn't only him, even Hannah was sending her photos of cats for some reason. She called to talk about Prophet, but didn't really bother to think much of it.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


looking at him like she was going to hit him*

With MEGAN literally being a miniature caricature version of Megawoman, the developers also matched the voice, making it all cute and squeaky. And so, with this mini-Megawoman looking at her as if she was going to hit her with a slipper, Gary could only cover his face instinctively– which was weird, because his mother never really hit him even once.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


She's actually*

"...He's actually dating that douche!?" Gary said as he slammed both his palms on the table… very gently, "Did you know about this, bro!?"

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


in frint of him*

And before Darkday could finish his words, Empress once again appeared in front of her, giving her a light tap on his chest… but violently throwing him straight back towards the drilling spikes. This time, however, Darkday stopped just an inch from his outfit being poked with holes again.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


him to death*

"No… no," she whimpered. She was dangerous… how can someone as dangerous as her even think of standing beside Riley? What if she actually hurt him and just didn't remember? Even though Riley was not showing it, she was sure that he felt a little unnerved when he discovered his biological mother almost strangled her to death.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


who is van?

Even with all the noise and confetti being thrown around everywhere, Julius still seemed to manage to be full of composure as he lightly nodded at Van, "I believe we have met before but not had the pleasure of introducing ourselves-- My name is Julius Reuben."

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


who is van?

"..." Bernard furrowed his eyebrows from Riley's words. But after a few seconds, he somewhat realized what Van was doing as he grabbed the steel pole. His bracers then started to tremble like scales as small gaps opened all over it, boosting out fires that caused the pole to move ever so slightly.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


her son*

But of course, she didn't make any unnecessary scene and just tried to gather herself first; after all, it was not his son that died-- anything she would do would be a slap to the face of those who were mourning.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


her son*

In a way, it was a glorified prison-- still, a prison warmed by the tears of a mother that would probably do anything for his son.

Villain Retirement

Villain Retirement

Urban · Romeru


hello :)

"He is the one!" Mozan cried out in shock. He had his suspicions now he was certain. Derek's as another wandering God. Hi

Paragon of Death

Paragon of Death

Fantasy · 3_Sins_Studios


whos alex???

Alex quickly found his room after he was given the right directions. Apparently, magic in this world was quite advanced and allowed for some sort of recognition system which only opens to those wielding a certain card.

Paragon of Death

Paragon of Death

Fantasy · 3_Sins_Studios


how does the panda have more health here then with the diamond scroll?

The Panda baby had 136000 HP, high defense, and a passive damage reduction skill.

The King Of Passive Skills

The King Of Passive Skills

Games · Six Tubes Buddha


i thought he was going by nicholas not lyle? was he seen through?

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Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Rise of the Blood Sovereign

Fantasy · TheReign


you used micheal twice here where it should be draven, the story is so good though

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Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Anti Hero with a Symbiote System

Action · don_offl

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