PunchingDrywallMan - Profile



LV 4
2022-05-21 Se unió Global

Insignias 6

Moments 699



After about 1 minute of flying we arrived, the Hangar was filled with chaos, Marines flying around, and all the while the Neimodian Royal Guards were fighting for their life.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278



And make sure he doesn't die, after all, don't want Mother fucking Theresa hunting me down.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278



All the while Gunray openly tried to bribe my guards so I got Santo to stay beside him and smack him every time he talked.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278



They were demolishing the B1's, some dumbass guy named Gunray never thought to place his elite units between his expendable ones, no they were in a line in the back, completely unable to fire.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278



We then gather the remaining weapons and explosives and load them into the other van. As Butcher and Hughie took Butcher's shitty ride to dispose of the suitcase. Once we load everything, we dump several gallons of gas all over the warehouse. MM and Frenchie drive off with the van to our backup location for work, as I toss a Molotov into the warehouse. I quickly walk away as the building is burning behind me. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar



Unknown to Renjiro, there was a pair of eyes watching what they were doing at the training grounds.

Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)

Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Sidecharacter1



Jin-soo, closer than the others, sprang into action. He dropped his knife, grabbed the waist of the zombie attacking Nam-ra from behind, and executed a powerful suplex, slamming it onto the ground. The zombie thrashed for a moment before Jin-soo retrieved his knife and drove it into the creature's throat, silencing it.

Transmigration:All of us are dead

Transmigration:All of us are dead

TV · Story_Teller_229

Replied to AnimeReader_player



"Go outside!" Jin-soo urged again, his voice growing more insistent, but Mr. Kang didn't respond. Instead, his body began twitching uncontrollably, his legs and arms jerking wildly. His eyes rolled back, and with a sudden, guttural scream, he jumped at Jin-soo.

Transmigration:All of us are dead

Transmigration:All of us are dead

TV · Story_Teller_229



"Are you guys stupid or something?" he spoke, standing up and facing them. "What is Nam-ra supposed to do? Go out there and kill all those zombies with a punch? Or sacrifice herself to save our lives? Have you guys gotten brain damage or something?"

Transmigration:All of us are dead

Transmigration:All of us are dead

TV · Story_Teller_229



Gyeong-su chuckled lightly, eyeing Jin-soo with a mix of amusement and wariness. "Man, you looked like one of those villains from the movies just now, cleaning that knife all brooding and intense."

Transmigration:All of us are dead

Transmigration:All of us are dead

TV · Story_Teller_229



The drone captured the entire fight, transmitting the data back to Nicolias, who now had a wealth of information on both Uvogin's and Kurapika's fighting styles and Nen abilities. This data would prove invaluable in future encounters. 

Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A Hunter

Anime & Comics · The_Weeaboo_Lux



There was a moment of silence in the room. Then, unexpectedly, Frieza began to laugh. It started as a low chuckle but quickly escalated into full-blown laughter, with one hand elegantly covering Frieza's mouth.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



At that moment, Piccolo managed to catch Ajax casting a smug and triumphant smirk in his direction out of the corner of his eye. Without missing a beat, Piccolo's arm shot out with blinding speed, stretching, as his fingers wrapped around Ajax's throat. Then, he extended his arm, effortlessly pushing a screaming Ajax into the nearby cliffside with what he considered a "moderate" amount of force. 

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



Piccolo's brow furrowed, a distinct tick mark pulsing on his forehead at Mushin's comment. "Neither of those two assholes are heroes," he muttered irritably under his breath. His encounter with Nail at Guru's place had certainly made an impression, but not one that impressed Piccolo in any way beyond acknowledging Nail's power.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox

Replied to Equuleus_Nox


'Indeed, there have been strong warriors and powerful races. However, once again, every time a powerful warrior or a promising resistance group emerged, Frieza or King Cold ensured they were swiftly eliminated. They all died, without exception. Currently, in the universe, only the Galactic Patrol could contend against them. And I'm using the word 'contend' rather generously. The Galactic Patrol, think of them as the universe's police force, can only clean up the messes left behind by the Cold Empire.'

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



Cui's bloody lips curved into a final defiant smile, a cocky facsimile of courage. "I've a–always fucking hated you."

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox

Replied to balthazar_lee


Suddenly, another fist slammed into his chin from below, snapping his head backward and launching him skyward. Before the stars could even appear in his vision, a foot descended like a guillotine, crushing his sternum and sending him hurtling toward the ground.

Dragon Ball Alternative

Dragon Ball Alternative

Anime & Comics · Equuleus_Nox



'I have lost the strength to even argue about it now. In fact, I should get the door removed, no one even bothers knocking these days. Even Danzo just barges through it, How can I reprimand Ken if even one of the elder ls of the village does this shit?' Hiruzen thought tiredly

Naruto: Legacy of Lava, Ice and Storm

Naruto: Legacy of Lava, Ice and Storm

Anime & Comics · Pikachu234



Opening his eyes and looking at the intruder, he said "Kanae, I've told you before, not to barge into my room. What if I was changing?"

Into The World Of Solo Leveling

Into The World Of Solo Leveling

Anime & Comics · Licumus

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