"Before the SAO incident, you were just a famous child prodigy. But after the incident, you became so mysterious. Could it be that during those two months you disappeared, it wasn't Kayaba Akihiko who kidnapped you, but aliens?"
漫画同人 · TypicalFicEnjoyer6
"If you don't die from this, then I'm officially giving up," Said Axel, releasing the explosion.
作品衍生 · Snollygoster
What did I say about shuting up?
"You better not survive this one," he said, bringing his hands together. Still bound by the threads, the First was immediately drowned in water from all sides.
作品衍生 · Snollygoster
TheRussianBadger is the channel, don't remember exactly so watch his World of Tanks videos.
"Break his right hand."
游戏衍生 · SenatusTheta
Wrong game buddy lol
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
漫画同人 · Bismarck_Imperia
Can you shut your mouth?
"He… did it?"
作品衍生 · Snollygoster
Thanks for this chapter
Thanks for this chapter
Thanks for those chapters, you my dude are the GOAT
Miracle Summoner
漫画同人 · TypicalFicEnjoyer6