
LV 4
2022-04-26 Se unió Global
Insignias 7

Moments 7
9 months ago
Replied to Bexx_


Either way, he could not be bothered with them. Those were political unions after all. 

The King's Mistress

The King's Mistress

Fantasy · ValestriaMoon

9 months ago

Wow This got to me Is time to put them in there place

But none of it mattered to him. Only Sierra mattered. Hence regardless of the grievances raised by the court, he pushed them away. He sacked some, beheaded two, and eventually, the court gave their blessing. 

The King's Mistress

The King's Mistress

Fantasy · ValestriaMoon

10 months ago

He is getting on my nerves

Annalise found her lips morphing into a smile, she was about to speak when there was a sudden disturbance from behind the carriage followed by Damian's cold words, "How about you keep silent and not distract him from his work of tracking our surroundings? Since you can't prove to be helpful, at least, try not to be a liability."

The Veil of Darkness

The Veil of Darkness

Fantasy · Nightsummer20

1 years ago

I wou love to know the punishment oooo Author is not fair…☺️

"Sweetie, you don't have to know that. Let us keep this one secret, hm?" Dem said, putting his index finger on his lips. 

The Werewolf King's Bride

The Werewolf King's Bride

Fantasy · Proteety_Promi

2 years ago

Alicia….. will u be able to handle it

2 years ago
Replied to Lapekes

Sure wow

The corners of Alicia's lips curved up into a bitter, angered smile after hearing that last statement that he made. As though making a disclaimer in order to clear himself off all responsibilities to the actions that he had done. "You're saying that the things you said earlier weren't real? That they were nothing but the result of your messed up state? So I should not be taking them seriously?"

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX

2 years ago

Wow….. never knew Ezekiel could fall or a women tell less of Alice

His ever so calm voice had a tinge of anger now as well. "I had to seduce you to make you want me, lust for me but I… f*cking hell…" he cursed out in a nearly inaudible voice. "I am holding back every f*cking second even though you're not even doing any active seducing on me! I am a man, for god sakes, Alicia! You're literally stuck with me every single second of the day. And now... here you are, right here with me. And there's not a stitch of undergarments on you!" Ezekiel half roared out in exasperation as he tried explaining.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX