ISLAM_Lens - Profile


LV 11
2022-03-21 Se unió Global

Insignias 8

Moments 98


Didnt isaac recognize ghazi?? is he not afraid he will take enna?


she has always been so deligent in escaping,,,but sometimes escaping might not work😢

She looked back and got worried as she saw her enemies coming after her. She ran to a side street and kept running for 30 minutes. Enemies footfall sounds kept chasing her. Now she was in a city Like area. She decided to hide in a house. Enemies were in the previous street. She turned to the next street and jumped in an open window of a close small house. It was a kitchen. Aania closed the window and hid under a shelf. After a few minutes she heard footsteps sounds in the street which vanished in the next two minutes. She sighed. Just then she saw a little girl entering the kitchen. She was so cute with golden hair. She was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and pajamas. She was searching for her mother but her gaze fell on Aania. As her height was small, she could easily saw her. Aania couldn't hid herself from her. That girl walked towards her, looking at her curiously. She said something but Aania couldn't understand her language. She was just looking at her expressionlessly. The little girl understood she was in trouble because of her miserable condition. She got close to Aania and said something softly patting her cheek. This support of the little girl was enough for her to get her courage again. As the girl walked towards the door she smiled. Then she thought she shouldn't stay there longer. The little girl would tell someone about her. She came close to the window and opened it to get out. But suddenly she heard a voice. She startled and looked towards the door where a beautiful woman was standing with that little girl. 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


more power to aania,,go girl❤

She hid behind a tree as the enemies passed by her. When they moved her head she turned to ride side and entered a green field which was on a slight slope and was looking beautiful. She was afraid her enemies would see her in the field so she hurried towards the small town. Grey clouds started gathering over the island and the rains started in a while. She felt a wave of peice as the rain drops touched her body. She remembered the moments which she spent with Ghazi in the rain. A tear escaped her eye but hid in the rain water. She was completely wet in the rain water when she entered the first street of the town. There were some people in the street who were looking poor and weak by their conditions. 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


strong girl

" I don't need to say it again. It is obvious. First come my level then talk to me " she said proudly. Isaac felt humiliated but it was also a fact. He couldn't get close to her before proving that he was more powerful than her 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


another devil😵

"She is more beautiful than her pictures " Philip said wickedly and laughed like a ghost. Aania felt a severe feeling of hate for him. She was glaring into his dangerous eyes. 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


vicious people😯

"I waited for you a lot " he muttered and looked at his companions with disgust. A girl made their condition bad. He thought to punish them for that and left the room with Aania. His other minions helped the injured ones to got out of the hotel. They went to the CEO's office room which was on the 25th floor. There was a secret way which was leading to the basement of the hotel. Isaac and his injured companies got down in the basement through a private lift and got out of the basement through another way Which was opened to a small building, situated next to the hotel. They all sat in a black van and moved away from the hotel. They stopped before a formhouse in a desert and prisoned Aania In the basement of the house. Isaac's personal assistant then handle the rest of the work. He used a girl to distract Ghazi. That girl was made identical to Aania through a plastic surgery. Isaac did this so that Ghazi would not know the right direction and his mind would not think to find a basement in the hotel. They stayed in the formhouse for a month silently and waited for the police and secret agency to stop finding Aania. Meanwhile they kept Aania fainted as they know how dangerous she was. They just let her awake two times a day for eating food. Aania shouted at them a lot and tried to get out of the perison whenever she awoke but they made her helpless full. She had lose her strength due to over drugs and lack of food. After a month they left Dubai and moved towards a island via a ship. Hotel owner helped Isaac with this also. He was friend of Isaac's father

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123



"Ghazi! I beg you. Don't do that. I belonged to dangerous people. They will kill me if I say something. Don't force me." Enna said anxiously. Meanwhile riha had injected her In the arm. 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


pinching line, ghazi being desperate😢

"You don't even remember how many promises you made to me. You were lucky that you lost your memory and are living happily. " He said in a low voice, looking down. 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


❤our leads in action

In the next five minutes there was a great fight between them. Enna attacked him several times but Ghazi only defended and stopped her blows. How could he hit her back? She had forgotten that he was her husband but Ghazi did not forget that she was his wife. He let her hit him as much as she could. Finally he overwhelmed her. She was tired bit didn't give up.

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


ghazi being helpless

Ghazi chuckled and turned to his car. He sat in the car and forwarded it. Isaac and Enna kept looking at him until he appeared from their eyes. 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


Wahab is such a loyal friend,,,😇

 "I can help you in this case . Give me his contact info. He won't have to do much work. I can spy on all the staff easily by hacking." He said. Ghazi gave him the contact number of mahid. and also called mahid to give new instructions.

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


yes,he found her,,,what a fate

 "New York. In the B plan club. She totally looked like Aania But her upper lip was slightly different. Her hair and eye color were also different. She didn't recognize me. But still my heart says she is Aania. I don't know why." he said helplessly.

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


poor girl,lost her memory😐

"Who are you?" The girl asked innocently, raising her eyebrows. Ghazi's heart skipped a beat. She resembled Aania but her upper lip was slightly different from Aania. He still remembered every feature. He pulled a breath inside and could barely averted his gaze 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


ufff,,,aania is here

A girl entered the club with her friends. She was dressed in black, jeans and black jacket over an off shoulder shirt. Jacket was slipped down from right shoulder, showing her dazzling skin. Her red blonded hair was barely touching the shoulders. She was looking damn beautiful, walking confidently with high black heels in her feet. A handsome man was walking next to her. Two men and a girl were behind them. They went towards the counter bar and ordered whiskey. They started drinking and talking loudly. Ghazi who was talking to Parker heeded towards that group. He could saw the faces of three people. A girl and a man's back were towards him. Ghazi didn't know why he kept looking at that group. Suddenly he saw a girl spilled the whiskey on the dress of the girl before her. She apologized. The Girl turned around to go to the washroom. That moment stilled for Ghazi. She was Aania. His Diya.The one he had been searching for like crazy for six months. The one who was his lifeline. He lost her in an accident. Her separation put Ghazi's life in Desolation. He was still looking for her. And she was drinking whiskey here with some unknown people. How it can be. His heart pounded fastly. She moved ahead. A storm had ran through his whole body. He came into his senses and got up. The next moment he was running towards her eagerly. The girl had reached near to the restroom when he approached her. Riha was also following her. 

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123


indeed they did a big level kidnapping bcz aania was not just an ordinary person

Wahab was a high leveled hacker but he couldn't recover the deleted CCTV footages of the hotel. It was strange for him. He thought kidnappers had a perfect hacker who is more skillful than him. He had become disappointed and left this. But today he got a new idea. He sat before his hacking system and starting hacking the security system of a hotel in Abu Dhabi. That hotel was near to the hotel where Aania and Ghazi stayed. It's one side faced their room. If he checked the CCTV cameras of that side, he could get something. He hacked the security system in an hour and find out the camera which was showing their room. He rewinded the footage to six months back but he learned that some footages are deleted in this too. Meant the kidnappers took care of everything thing. He tried to recover the deleted photages and got succeeded in two hours. His heartbeats raised up. He pushed the buttons of the keyboard rapidly. A photage appeared on the screen. It was the scene of the window of the hotel room. He saw a bullet hitting the window and breaking it. It came from that hotel whose security system was hacked by him now. After the bullets two people entre the room, kicking the window glass. They came from up through ropes. He saw Aania fighting the enemies but that scene was not clear. Some other people came down In the room through window.

Journey of revenge ended at love

Journey of revenge ended at love

Urban · Dua_Fatima123

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