He never went to school he was an orphan who fought his way up he is not the smartest
The only problem was he had no prior understanding of some of the techniques especially Limitless. He was no physicist, and although the six eyes gave him the ability to see energy, mass and matter at the atomic level, learning it from scratch was a bit of a stretch from him.
Anime & Comics · David_555
Deep Sea King
Two Lightning Strikes attacked DSK, and with the help of the rain, It made it even more effective as Deep Sea King was covered in water. And all of it happened in a blink of an eye... Well not really but yeah
Action · Kurosawa_Taiki
Shamless Author Review Please Read and Enjoy.
Hello This is the author but on another account I decided to create this on a whim so I do not have a update schedule yet but i am planning to upload ten chapter by the end of this week
Author said that not every date will be historically right
Son of Poseidon and Antiope of Sparta. Born 450 BC. He was believed to be the son of Spartan General Hermos. At 1 week old he took his first steps. at week four he spoke his first words. In just one month he could read. He lived a rigid and painful life. Always amongst the first on a battlefield and one of the last to leave. He cared deeply for his men, treating them as equals despite their rank. He is most famous for his many naval victories. His skill on the oceans and his knowledge in their phases is rivaled by only poseidon himself. He has fought many battles alongside Leonidas and Fellow captain Artemis. His name is known through all of Sparta. He fought valiantly during the battle at the Hot Gates, taking down more than a thousand of the enemies forces with his own hands.
Anime & Comics · TrapcardD
Anyway back to my room, during these years my abilities grew tremendously, now I can even exert telekinetic pressure on someone, due to my atomic-level control over my telekinesis I can now bend the light coming towards me to make myself invisible and my clothes as well unlike toru hagakure.
Anime & Comics · Omega200
When he turned around, he saw the guards looking at him with both fear and admiration, he sighed and said to them, "Let's go now, I'll be late for school." They nodded their heads like a chicken pecking their heads.
Anime & Comics · SlimeSage
Billy with trembling tone said"Is it ghost?It can't be a ghost right?"
Movies · Just_for_fun1997
W Book
Bloodmoon Rose: Tsukiyomi No Chi
Fantasy · K3ys