Sentinel_Saga - Profile


LV 4
2022-03-05 Se unió Global

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9 gallons or 9,000 gallons, i assume the 2nd but just making sure.

It outlined a bunch of conditions for me to invest in him, though I was honest with myself that I wasn't sure if my maximum of 9.000 galleons I could provide him was enough to coax Spudmore if he even had money problems. What I was certain about was that my conditions were much better than those of the goblins or the other pureblood wizard moneybags, because I actually named limits on the profits I could make on top of rather low interest rates if his sales wouldn't be as big as we would both hope.

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide



On the blade itself was one particular 'rune' he would later find in many of his mother's notes as little doodles, but his research on this rune looking like a stylized capital A with a rounded bottom would have to wait until later.

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

Replied to Darth_Nihilus_6756

i mean if you can't escape he has no other option but to try capture her.

Suddenly, his eyes locked onto Carol; he knew she was Damian's first wife, maybe... if he captured her.

Primogenitor in Marvel

Primogenitor in Marvel

Movies · Fast_Reader


not true his family only got storms end after the targaryens conquered the seven kingdoms minus dorne.

"And do we know if he survived?" He could admit, albeit reluctantly, that Stannis Baratheon was a formidable commander. His lineage had been ruling the Stormlands since the legendary Age of Heroes. Therefore, as long as Stannis was alive, they would not sit easily in Storm's End despite his recent history of defeats.

The Dragonwolf

The Dragonwolf

Book&Literature · Gladiusx

Replied to Daoist4yt4ru

is it set in 1960's cause Jimmy Fallon ain't that old.

"Good evening, America!" we heard Jimmy Fallon's greeting. "Tonight, we have the most talked-about personalities in our world! Welcome, the first superhero team! The Fantastic Four!"

Superior Reed Richards

Superior Reed Richards

Anime & Comics · Arcane_Eso

Replied to Diablo_Dragon_God


"He was," Aizawa stated as he got into a bright yellow sleeping bag. "Meet the new survival and urban tactics teacher, Courier Six. Or Six for short. Go on and introduce yourselves."

The Courier (MHA)

The Courier (MHA)

Video Games · Hawkin


She is a minor.


Well, she better be flustered. After all, I'm a hot and sexy alpha male.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278


mostly false we learn multiplication tables when we are like 7 or 8 then kinda use ever once and a while. some do forget the multiplication tables but most known them but need a second to make sure they are correct.

You might think 4 × 9 is easy. The answer is 36 – a simple problem for elementary school students who have memorized their multiplication tables. But don't assume everyone knows this. The nine-times table doesn't exist in Western education. Western educators prioritize a less rigorous 'happy education' approach. If you ask an American how much 4×9 is, they usually add nine four times or four nine times. It's a common joke that cashiers can't calculate totals and only give change. Sadly, this is often true.

Rick in Marvel and DC: Fusion

Rick in Marvel and DC: Fusion

Movies · harsh07

Replied to GigaThunder660

but he is in the US as a kid he does not know Japan even exists

Clone 2: Your main focus will be on improving our skills on writing. It will benefit us to keep our old calligraphy style, especially if there isn't many who know of the language.

Marvel: Impact From The Maelstrom's Web

Marvel: Impact From The Maelstrom's Web

Anime & Comics · FanFic_Listener

Replied to DaoistcaqwL5

this is a mlt

Although Whirlpool was small and sparsely populated, it had one advantage - most of its citizens were Uzumaki clansmen, meaning the majority were ninja. Even those who weren't ninja had immense chakra reserves and vitality compared to ordinary people, a hallmark of the Uzumaki clan. Ryuto believed that if the entire nation united, they could at least hold off the Hidden Mist until the war ended. Then, even if Mist tried to invade Whirlpool again, the other villages wouldn't just stand by.

Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

Anime & Comics · electronatom

Replied to JustTiredOfPicking

true. kinda a known vs unknown situation

Harry paused, his brow furrowed in thought. "I would choose to save the young mother," he said finally, his eyes resolute. "While the scientist's work is undoubtedly important, there is no guarantee that he will succeed in finding a cure. The mother, on the other hand, has a very real impact on the lives of her children. They need her, and her loss would be devastating."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius

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