Parshwakripa_Jain - Profile



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2022-03-02 Se unió Global

Insignias 9

Moments 176


The first I have ever heard of wands helping to cast wandlessly

One significant issue that most young aspiring wizards face is that most magic is cast using a wand. It is challenging to direct magic that starts within oneself before it interacts with the outside world. The wand is a critical piece of technology that I am eager to study. It acts as a conduit for spells, controls the spell after it is cast, amplifies the spell's strength, and allows even the weakest wizards to wield powerful magic. Additionally, the wand trains the muscles and pathways of a wizard, eventually enabling wandless casting.

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden


dis guy truly dense asf

Hermione bit her lower lip and then smiled at her friend. "Of course Harry. I would be glad to."

Harry Potter Veela's Embrace

Harry Potter Veela's Embrace

Book&Literature · ScarlettRose00

Replied to Somnifer

Supergirl for life


He looked at her, feeling a deep connection that transcended the confusion. "Iris," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion he couldn't quite explain. "I'm… I'm here."

I Am The Flash

I Am The Flash

TV · Adams2004


I believe he classifies according to subconscious intent

I slowly processed the information in my head as go gave me a list of my abilities as well as how to use them Malecifent was 46 years old and seeing that Dark Fey's are immortal she had had not scratched even half of the list of powers she would gain in the future from the info I gained also my magic reacts to my intent or what I use it for like if I want to do something good my magic will manifest as gold, but when I use my powers to do something evil it will manifest as green.GOD also made sure my magic could only be seen as my vampire or gifted like Bella.

I am a Dark Fey (Twilight/Maleficent)

I am a Dark Fey (Twilight/Maleficent)

Movies · Roh594


They actually can cry venom

She looked at it them put it on the table then jumped on to me and gave me a lovers kiss. Once we got back up she hugged me, very hard and start to cry. ( Fuck you I know they can't cry in the books but in mine they cry venom okay now that that it cleared up I don't want to see a comment on it)

[Blood Moon] Twilight

[Blood Moon] Twilight

TV · SJD_0922


why the mid western words with a name like suplicia

Suplicia shook her head, "Jane, I have told you many times just call me Ma'am; I ain't a dictator like Aro; I ain't no one's master." she said angrily.

[Blood Moon] Twilight

[Blood Moon] Twilight

TV · SJD_0922


all hail the awoken cringe lord

Jasper and Rose argued over names for a while, then Stephen spoke with a grin, "How about Drakul." They both looked at him for a second, then Alice walked in with her chipper self, "Stephen, that literally translates to Dracula in Romanian."

[Blood Moon] Twilight

[Blood Moon] Twilight

TV · SJD_0922


nononononononono you should only ever use edyth as character for replacing the original cast never make her the mate because readers never identify with edyth because she can literally have any personality you want as long as she exists alongside edwierd

Carlisle rushed over to his side with Esme and put his arm around her, and soon everyone was there, even a girl he didn't know. Carlisle saw that he was looking at her," Stephen, this is Edythe. She is my daughter."

[Blood Moon] Twilight

[Blood Moon] Twilight

TV · SJD_0922


the only thing that made me like this character i mean eric is kinda annoying

"*Cough* Hi, my name's Arthur Swan Bella's elder twin. I'm pretty famous from where we came for for breaking bones of people annoying my sister where I discovered my talent for beating up dorkies and debuted in Professional MMA." Hearing me he immediately said Goodbye and left.

My Twilight Story

My Twilight Story

Movies · CryingJoker


give her to me i'll take kristen stewart any day

"She better be not my mate, I don't deserve it." grumbled a man sitting beside Rosalie, to which everyone except Rosalie sighed, seemingly lost in thought.

My Twilight Story

My Twilight Story

Movies · CryingJoker

Replied to LastGod

this bike honestly looks like a toy no offense but it doesnt fit my aesthetics

Next day my things arrived which included my own custom Ducati Diavel 1200S and my new Aston Martin DBS Supperleggera both black and red combo in color. I had already informed dad about my wealth ,at first he was surprised but was okay with it as long as I didn't do anything illegal. I also got a new engine with higher horse power for Bella's truck and replaced it with the new engine and new transmission and repainted it carrot orange and now it looked completely new.

My Twilight Story

My Twilight Story

Movies · CryingJoker


bit too much dude you're basically making him like tony stark but less well known with more ordinary accomplishments with powers

As for my powers side ,I was able to lift multiple 500 kg objects or a single 3 ton object fairly easily and mannevuer it around without any effort by the time I was in my last year of middle school. I had also unlocked psychometry, remote viewing, telepathy, magnetokinesis and technokinesis by then which allowed me to easily understand the knowledge about any object or technology and also how to upgrade it and thus I was able to patent rights for LCD, Touchscreen, able to build Android ,new engines etc .I had got myself enough patents and books published and side businesses to make me easily one of the richest person on earth and even a personal A.I as good as J.A.R.V.I.S which I named A.I.M.S which handled all my transactions and my projects. I had also been working on levitation, energy medicine, astral projection, psychic surgery, precognition and apportation with apportation and precognition being quite difficult at that moment, maybe after turning I'll be easily able to learn them. As for martial arts I was strong enough that I was able to deal with average adults during my middle school and also becoming a small time MMA fighter which made me quite famous in Arizona both as a sportsman and a model.

My Twilight Story

My Twilight Story

Movies · CryingJoker


How cute he thinks indian girls are "refined"

'Huh, three years outside of Hogwarts apparently made her a tomboy instead of a more refined pureblood lady with roots in India?'

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide


Jessica had long hair

At the table, I met the short curly haired girl by the name of Jessica and the other cornsilk hair girl was Lauren Mallory.



Others · _ANANSI_


Pls rename her Mrs palpatine

My last class before lunch was French class, as my French teacher Miss Hoff wasn't challenging. The old lady that lived in my old building could teach circles around her, Mrs. Palpanini. She was a French/Italian immigrant that came with her family from France. 



Others · _ANANSI_


Charlie wouldn't have said refined

"The way you talk has changed, it sounds more refined." He says with a hint of worry.

In Twilight as Elijah Mikaelson

In Twilight as Elijah Mikaelson

Movies · Vampire_Onyx



2. Is to mind break her and leave her to re-live the worst memories of her life. And someone else takes revenge for her and so on and so forrth.

Legacies : A Legacy of a Fallen

Legacies : A Legacy of a Fallen

TV · confused4you

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