Webnovel Author: Shadow_King00980 - Novel Collection



LV 3
2022-02-25 Se unió Global

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Replied to Ashborn1609

difficult you say... I always play nuzlocke and I don't think it was worse than radical red or even the new game called pokerogue

So far, he only used Noivern and hadn't even bothered catching anything else. But he had a hobby of digging up fossils. He had just been on his way to Oreburgh when he was attacked by Bryony.

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Anime & Comics · AgentMonke


I think you should write 'he'd had' instead of 'had had' like the guy before me said, it sounds better.

He had had girlfriends in the past, but most were infatuated by an ideal of who he was, instead of the person he actually was. 

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec

Replied to Ashborn1609

Who knows? The timeline can go in different directions, however, for the lack of readers in my discord, I thought of different possibilities ahead of time. When the time comes, I will implement the best one that suits the timeline. You are soon about to find out two possibilities... I won't spoil it further.

'Fuck! All the bones in my hand are damaged!' I screamed in my head. I had to constantly vibrate my hand to keep her in a place. Although it will heal in a second or two, it still hurts a lot when I enter Flashtime, during the recovery process.

Author's Interference

Author's Interference

Fantasy · Shadow_King00980

Replied to Ashborn1609

no, it was Technoblade, he died a few years ago

The inside of the temple was like any other church. Inside the praying area (Nave) was a massive statue of the Blood God. The Blood God was wearing the head of a boar, an undefeated warrior forged through the blood of his opponents. He had a cup in his right hand and a sword in his left. His red cape was flowing in the air because of the breeze. His eyes looked as if it was moving. It was as if he was looking down on all of his followers. The statue was truly magnificent!

Author's Interference

Author's Interference

Fantasy · Shadow_King00980

Replied to Ashborn1609

Kinda, but the story is completely different.

"I learned it from a friend named Cisco Ramon. He was a great scientist and an excellent designer. My suits are nothing compared to his." Alfred said humbly.

Author's Interference

Author's Interference

Fantasy · Shadow_King00980

Replied to Ashborn1609

don't try it, I got nearly struck once... It didn't give me abs

"Dude, lightning gave me abs!" I shouted, standing in front of the mirror, shirtless...

Author's Interference

Author's Interference

Fantasy · Shadow_King00980

Replied to Samuel_Winchester


Replied to Savage_C00KIE

Corrected, thanks btw.

Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Author's Interference

Author's Interference

Fantasy · Shadow_King00980

Replied to ArkAu

I miss the old Sam and Dean now 😭

"You and I both know that Asher changed after that day. Maybe he didn't change, he just unleashed his true self, but that doesn't mean I will leave him like that sister of his!" Lucas said, barely maintaining his consciousness.

Why Should I Stop Being a Villain

Why Should I Stop Being a Villain

Fantasy · Raos_IOI

Replied to BenTenyson_Playz

I mean like I had to copy at least one aspect.

Finally on my third birthday when my uncle asked me what I wanted. I asked him to build a workshop for me. Metahumans grow faster than regular humans, and they think that I am a meta human, so no one complained about me getting a workshop. Now, you all will ask me, Ray, out of all the things that you could have asked for, why a workshop?

Author's Interference

Author's Interference

Fantasy · Shadow_King00980

Replied to Dark_7248

Yeah that's the reason the government in this world banned infinite mach punch, because it doesn't have a limit. The more you build up the force the stronger it gets.

"I am trying to create a suit to enhance my destructive ability. Although I am fast, I can't do any damage to my opponents if I am like this." I answered. Speedsters may be fast but they lack the destructive output and defensive strength.

Author's Interference

Author's Interference

Fantasy · Shadow_King00980

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