Yeah, my plan is to fix all the mistakes you caught in a few days when I get a break from College, but thanks for the catches.
Please leave a review if you can with all criticism and any helpful thoughts on the story. I am still a terrible writer, but I would like to become better.
Anime & Comics · DatBoiEraser
Yes, he’s a rare case while others are very specialized in certain aspects.
Seeing the benefits, Issei knew that this was working with his current build. Clicking on yes, Issei met with his body beginning to morph. Growing, his muscles began growing more while his shirt ripped apart. His jeans that he wore began ripping from the bottom to the point where he saw his jeans turn into shorts. Standing at a staggering six-in-a-half feet tall, Issei looked towards his new stats.
Anime & Comics · DatBoiEraser
It’s been out for a while. Many said it wasn’t that good though.
I just thought that since she extracted the thing from another host and that she already has another scared gear, I just thought it wouldn’t just outright kill her. Just think of it as plot armor.
Placing the ring on his finger, Issei watched as Raynare's eyes began widening in pure fright as she lost one of her most valuable powers.
Anime & Comics · DatBoiEraser
• (Epic) Ruins Great Sword — 5 silver coin
Anime & Comics · DatBoiEraser
Just out in the open.
Deciding to do the most basic exercise, Issei began doing a couple before he began seeing just how out of shape he was... after the seventh, he was already beginning to fail getting back up. By the tenth, he fell face flat and was already panting...
Anime & Comics · DatBoiEraser
I’m just replicating this as a strength build in Elden Ring or Dark Souls, well the pure offensive build I usually make in those games. No magic needed, just a big weapon and watch the world burn.
My plan is to stop these dungeons for a while and focus on progressing through the main story. I’ll probably add them in here and there but not for a while.
Thanks for catching all those mistakes I made. When I’m not busy, I’ll make sure to fix them up.
With a swing of his weapon, Artorias quickly began disappearing. Leaving a bunch of items for Issei to receive. However, Issei simply sat down thinking of what happened. The first boss that he fought is already someone that has caused Issei to give up. He didn't have anything else ot save him from the enemies to come ahead.
DXD Issei: The Mind of Games
Anime & Comics · DatBoiEraser