

male LV 12
2022-01-17 Se unió Slovakia
Insignias 6

Moments 3
2 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

2 years ago
Replied to KingDew

I agree that MC is pathetic and weak. I mean more than 80% of MC are that way on start, so it cant be helped. Mc will change, so I do not see problem in it. Also MC seems to me enough rational( do not forget he is still very young)

2 years ago

Just two words: Good Novel Writing Quality is very good so far, no big problems. Stability of Updates is more than enough (1ch per day) Story Development is what I hoped for... There is adventure, war and others those I like. It is not slow nor fast. MOST importantly... its makes sense (thats where lots of novel fails). Character Design its better than average novels. Especially MC ( no horny idiot, or super genius) who is what should be... Above average in intellect, yet still inexperienced (Exactly how was portraited to us on start). Girls around him are not useless(just to get number), have interesting and unique characters(Especially Millonia). World Background, what to say... I just like Fantasy and Kingbuilding. Both are there so 4 star..(Yup, totally based...) Overall very good novel with room to improve.