ah yes , "Keep a musket for self-defense , since that's what the founding fathers intended"
Once he had a working prototype he would give it to Livre. Livre had a license to use a firearm as a precaution against armed robbers and had an old model musket in the back of the workshop that he had received from his father as a birthday gift. However the large shape of the gun made stashing it away for self defense while on the go without a vision impossible.
Video Games · Blasopher
She wasn't entirely wrong. Lucas had indeed been pacing himself during previous sessions. But the other factor was the sheer allure of her offer—enough to push any man to reach his limits.
Video Games · _Nia
and I have this image , in my head
Holding the icy whip, Ganyu emerged from the room. Her usual gentle and sweet smile was gone, replaced by an intense, almost manic expression. "Husband," she said with a chilling edge to her voice, "the training has only just begun."
Video Games · _Nia
more like Eijihub
And what's even more outrageous is that Miss System made their illicit dealings easier by adding a video recording and saving feature to the chat group interface. Each video was even ranked based on the number of likes and comments each member gave.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
3rd time's the charm aye? we'll see about that. Overall , It's cool. Story's great , fantastic story building, interesting characters , and more. can't wait for more ;)
is it really down again?
Este libro ha sido eliminado.
Este libro ha sido eliminado.
that's 40k baby
Then those in red robes walk up to the drugged and helpless Adam and begin the torturous human augmentation operation. They even keep him awake without anesthesia to immediately see the results of the implanted Gene-Seed. The ability that he praised betrayed him, keeping him from dying from the sheer pain or insanity brought by it. It keeps his mind sane and intact throughout the long and torturous operation that he wishes he simply would turn insane and die from as he screamed until his voice turned hoarse and mute as his throat bled.
Others · Daoist_KittyKat
By the Emperor my gut feeling was correct
"Be honored, human. The Master of Mankind seeks for your presence and I shall bring you there." A voice boomed out and its giant arm picked him up like picking a small object.
Others · Daoist_KittyKat
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh , I T D I S G U S T E D M E
"Why train? Why not make something to stableize your stance? As an engineer you should know that the flesh is weak and crave the strength and certainty of steel." Said Ryuzu with a small smile.
Genshin Impact: Reborn Engineer
Video Games · Blasopher