Webnovel Author: Thirty_six_Hours - Fanfic&Novel Collection



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Replied to Lucas_Oliveira_2302


ch 116 Chapter 116 Rise Of The Old Gods

I Am Energy In Dc

I Am Energy In Dc

Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours

Replied to ExoticSenta

Thank you.

Sorry for poor updates. Been experiencing a terrible combo of Writers Block an a fever due to cold.

I Am Energy In Dc

I Am Energy In Dc

Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours

Replied to ExoticSenta

Yep, then he left to solve the tower thing.

"It seems that way. But tell me, did you see Amari in the area....? Or anywhere for that matter".

I Am Energy In Dc

I Am Energy In Dc

Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours

Replied to Morning_DawnStar

Wait for it.

Replied to Lucas_Oliveira_2302

Good idea.

Replied to Arcanis_94

Please which movie is this?

The situation hadn't changed much. Darkseid's energy was still flowing into Amari's body, same as before. Only this time, The God of Tyranny wasn't releasing it on his own initiative.

I Am Energy In Dc

I Am Energy In Dc

Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours


Author here. Rating my own book. Honestly, I deliberated for a while before deciding to do this. Something kept telling me to just give it a give it a 5 star, mention all the good stuff and leave out the bad parts. Didn't listen to it, so here i am. First of all, i want to say that My Fic is better in latter chapters than it is at the beginning. I would rate myself a 5 ⭐ based on the latter chapters. I mean, starting from chapter 40 upward. Below that...... I'd give myself a 3.5 because there are worse things out there. You should all know what i mean. Now i write this, simply because i want you all to know what you're about to get into when you read this so it won't disappoint in case you don't find what you're expecting. Because frankly, I don't like getting 3 stars and below reviews from people who only read the first ten or so chapters and found it not quite to their tastes. Secondly, i have nothing better to do so......🥱😐😶 Now first of all, for those of you who will bother to read this, this is my first official Fanfic, not my first try at writing a story though. I tried....... and failed. Several times might I add. All failures, the best I could do didn't even exceed 25 chapters and two hundred collections. Not a single review. Those were the days I wrote without knowing a thing about writing. There's a novel on my author page here, read it if you can and you'll understand what I mean if you don't already. Then i read a lot of novels and fanfics, until i couldn't find anything that met my needs and that voice once again came to my head saying "Since you can't find what you want, write it". And then, this Fic was born. Now to my point........ My Concept for this was an OP MC strong enough not to have to worry about anything and could do anything. As the inexperienced writer that i was, This was my first mistake and 50 to 70 chapters in the fic, it really came back to bite me in the ass. I did want to write the usual reincarnation or transmigration trope so i did this. I was tired of the classic, Random Omnipotent being granting abilities and rebirth for reasons i found classically dumb like accidents or missions that it couldn't solve on his/her own. Also, i had a dislike for Books where the MC is given abilities or a system from some kind of God. It cut me off from the very beginning . I'd rather read that the system came out of nowhere or transversing universes gave the MC special abilities or something. After reading this particular book "I'm Energy with a system" I took a liking to the concept used and made my MC as such with a bit of adjustments. Energy gaining sentience. Immortal and Semi invincible ....... That was my idea. Everything else just wrapped around it as a matter of course. Now here is the first thing you should expect. The MC has no emotions at the start. I wanted to write about an MC that would do whatever he wanted but couldn't due to the origin I gave him at the beginning....... Since he was Energy, then there was no need for emotions. I can't remember why exactly but that's how I saw it. Two, I read too many Naruto Fanfics before writing this and gave my character abilities which wasn't needed. Then the way i emphasized on it wasn't that great as well. That was corrected after about chapter 60 or so, but you get what i mean. The MC is unmotivated and so therefore, passive in doing things for the first 60 chapters. The MC also has little screen time during the first sixty chapters as I took a lot of time building on the supporting DC characters around him. I doubt you will notice due to the fact that there are more chapters now and i got rid of that problem at around chapter 60 or so. My use of grammar in the first twenty chapters isn't bad in my opinion but wasn't ideal. In most places, i feel like i wrote like the novice that I was. The MC and the JL aren't friendly at all in the first forty chapters. Even a hundred chapters in, they still aren't friendly but the whole hostile relationship has eased. This was also due to the influence of reading too much fanfiction. Honestly, after writing past chapter 50, i realised how poisonous those things were. MC does quite a few face slapping in the first twenty to thirty chapters as well. Basically the..... No kill rule being thrown in the faces of Superman and Batman time and time again (Curse you authors of those fanfictions I read) A guy even commented on my fic in another site that it's ..... "For those who hate Superman and Batman". The constant face slapping ....... ( Something that the majority of us want to do to Batman in particular ) gave the air of those Chinese novels where face slapping is literally everywhere. Next, i didn't know much about DC when writing this. So I used made up characters in for an arc within the first 30 chapters (chapters 18 to 26 I think). Another screw up but for those of you who don't know much about DC, I doubt you will notice. Even those who do will probably think that it's about characters they haven't heard about. DC is vast after all. A bit of typos and incorrect grammar due to me failing to use a proofreader in the first ten chapters. Far from enough to make it unreadable and you've definitely read worse. (MTL am i right) Ok..... I'm tired of writing so let's end this. These are the major flaws in my fic alright. But it was my first, and I believe I tried my best. It wasn't ideal at the start but i fixed everything i could right after chapter 70. I fixed the emotional indifference problem and the Little MC per chapter problem. Oh, just remembered. The MC was so indifferent that he could and would let anyone die even if he could easily save them. Treats the world like a movie and he's a watcher. Someone said it made him unlikable. All in all, it has its flaws, but from the reviews I've Received from my dear readers, my world building ability is definitely top notch enough to ignore many of those flaws for some people. Or maybe they've just seen worse and are more tolerant. It has great twist and turns, great development and a truly OP MC who doesn't get nerfed. I also fixed the lack of motivation problem. This fic isn't perfect, and i will learn from my mistakes and do better when writing a new one. The Summary is....... DON'T FUCKING REVIEW IT IF YOU DIDN'T READ THE FULL THING. I HATE SEEING THOSE 3 ⭐ REVIEWS FROM PEOPLE WHO ONLY READ 11 CHAPTERS. ITS'S ANNOYING. IF YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT BEFORE GETTING TO CHAPTER 40 THEN JUST DELETE AND READ SOMETHING ELSE. Thank you for reading this. Overall I give myself a 4.2. Still couldn't bare to give myself anything less than 4🤦🤦🤦😏

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