Rip your glass
It was as if he felt immense emptiness, as if experiencing millions of years of solitude and finally getting to experience love and care for the first time.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
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As he floated there, Sora looked less like a warrior and more like a deity, the master of a realm that bent to his will.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
Tsk,Tsk, I was just being helpful, what if Sora developed Polycoria, huh, have you thought of that
You acting as if I would ever try and gaslight someone, I am an innocent person
Say cheese for the camera
It was as if he felt immense emptiness, as if experiencing millions of years of solitude and finally getting to experience love and care for the first time.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
Hey, what if that how his eyes are, what if he has Polycoria
Sora looked at Uryu, confused.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
Hey atleast some people remember
As of writing this, Ulquiorra is the temporary sin of sloth, and Starrk is a horseman.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
Starrk assistant is…..Ulquiorra, for anyone wondering why some Esparda are not here, simple answer they are dead. High chance if they not here, Gabriel killed them for one reason or another
As of writing this, Ulquiorra is the temporary sin of sloth, and Starrk is a horseman.
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp
Haven’t release this yet, will be soon once I am done with the Keitaro story
As of writing this, Ulquiorra is the temporary sin of sloth, and Starrk is a horseman.
The Adaptive Quincy of Bleach
Anime & Comics · ThePpp_Pppp