
male LV 1

My name is Vladimir Gorokhov, I write mainly in the genre of science fiction. If you have any questions, write them to me. Lovidar2@yandex.ru

2021-11-23 Se unió Russia
Obras originales
Insignias 4

Moments 33
2 years ago
Replied to New_World_3760

иносказательно можно и так сказать. А так- "Рождение новой зари"- это эпос, записанный выжившими участниками Великой Межзвездной Войны и Исхода.

2 years ago
Replied to New_World_3760

да, некоторым образом)

2 years ago

Yes, I like this book, otherwise I wouldn't write it :) At the same time, I am aware of her shortcomings and understand that she does not deserve the highest evaluation in everything. And therefore- 4.0. It will be fair. I appreciated myself, now I'm waiting for your feedback :))

2 years ago
Replied to YoanRoturier

I see. It took me a while to realize that your book was written in the style of a novelized video game. We call this genre "lit-rpg", a literary role-playing game. At first I thought it was an effect bestowed on Erik by the Weavers of Fate.

2 years ago

The combat specialization that the hero has chosen is very similar to the monk from the DnD 3-Icewind Dale 2 or NWN-based games.

2 years ago

I've read a few chapters. Vikings, Vikings, Vikings... It was as if I found myself in a global modification of the Skyrim video game. Moreover, the book is compiled as a report on the actions in a video game. Since I'm a fan of classical genres, it confuses me a little, but you can get used to it. In general, not bad. The world is strict, epic and gloomy, all the heroes are in their places, the main character Erik has simple and understandable goals, he does not rush to save the world like a comic book hero, but strives to achieve very specific goals. Alas, the motivation of the higher forces that brought the protagonist back to life remains unclear. Perhaps this will be explained in later chapters. The narration is good - the author's language is simple, concise and clear, you will not fall asleep while reading.

2 years ago

Eric is brutal as a rock in the middle of a storm and elegant as a rhinoceros knocking down a tree. The Weavers of Fate knew who to bet on. However, it is not yet clear why they needed it.

2 years ago

here Erik became like a typical MMA fighter :)

Eat, train, rest, repeat; and occasional chores, he somehow managed to turn into training sessions.

Path of the Fist

Path of the Fist

Fantasy · YoanRoturier

2 years ago

Oh, he should have taken a spear and learned to ride :) But a magic boxer is also not bad. A weapon that cannot be lost, cannot be taken away, and that is always with you.

Damn the axe, praise the fists!

Path of the Fist

Path of the Fist

Fantasy · YoanRoturier

2 years ago

Useful practice. But is the old butler a reliable defender? Even in a well-protected home location.

Assassins from subordinate clans, the Celeste Empire, the Uzel Magic Kingdom, or anyone else who sought to overthrow them could try taking a Basara child's life.

Path of the Fist

Path of the Fist

Fantasy · YoanRoturier

  • Destiny of Clans original

    Destiny of Clans


    In the shadow of the cold foothills, a small clan of orcs struggles to survive. Everything has been turned upside down! Their once mighty empire has been reduced to a handful of survivors, the clan's once feared male warriors are now faced with the harsh reality of a new world where their strength is no longer an advantage. And the females, once respected for their grace and speed, are now the basis for the clan's survival. As winter tightens its icy grip, food becomes scarce, and worries and dangers increase. The fate of the clan hangs in the balance...

    6 Chs 2 Colecciones

  • Domain: Awakening original

    Domain: Awakening


    The recent past. Parallel to the visible society, the magical Domains of the Earth are playing a complex game: they compete, cooperate, explore, and seek new ways of the supernatural. Magicians are subject to almost everything. One thing is forbidden to them - to interfere in the course of history. But one day it happened. This day was the end of the usual life of Domains. And, perhaps, it became the beginning of something new...

    2 Chs 1 Colecciones

  • The Cosmic Adventurers original

    The Cosmic Adventurers


    Classic science fiction. Not anime. Not a manga. Not fan fiction. Just an author's book. Thirty-fifth century. A remote planet on the edge of the Interstellar Republic of Novorossia in a New Area. A young colonist finds a mysterious device that surprised him with extremely unusual effects. Even experts do not know about its origin and purpose. He decides to solve the mystery at all costs. This gives him great opportunities in his hands and completely changes his quiet life as a colonist to unprecedented space adventures... But, the political situation in the galactic Areas is fragile, it is much less stable than it seems to ordinary people, and the emergence of a new uncontrolled force can doom the largest interstellar states to a new, extremely dangerous conflict... This is my translation of the book from Russian. Chapters will be added as they are written. The purpose of this translation is to eliminate the shortcomings of categorically incorrect, distorting the meaning of the machine translation text. English is not my native language, so there will probably be a lot of mistakes in the book that I won't notice. I understand this and I ask you to forgive me in advance. But even amateur manual translation will be much better than pure machine translation without correction. If you have any questions, suggestions, notes- write in the comments.

    11 Chs 3 Colecciones

  • Cosmic Adventurers (Космические Детективы) original

    Cosmic Adventurers (Космические Детективы)



    This is the Russian version of the book. Link to the English version (it is still incomplete, I am still translating) https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-cosmic-adventurers_21799040606013705 Аннотация: Тридцать пятый век, небывалый космический прыжок человечества. Люди, ведомые жаждой экспансии, расселились по значительной части галактики, но это далось нелегким путем- многое случилось за это неспокойное время. Отгремела Великая Межзвездная Война и нашествие Серых Надзирателей, основные кризисы преодолены, налажены связи с другими космическими цивилизациями, и звездные ареалы людей вот уже восьмой век пребывают в относительном мире и спокойствии, люди заняты в основном мирным развитием и освоением новых звездных систем, если где и случаются конфликты, их быстро удается погасить. Увы, ничто не длится вечно. На одной из отдаленных планет Нового Ареала молодой колонист находит некое устройство, удивившее крайне необычными эффектами. О его происхождении и назначении не знают даже специалисты. Он решает во что бы то ни стало разгадать тайну, это дает ему в руки великие возможности и полностью меняет его тихую жизнь колониста на небывалые космические приключения! ...Но, ситуация в галактике куда менее стабильна, чем кажется обывателям, и появление новой неподконтрольной силы может обречь крупнейшие межзвездные государства на новый, крайне опасный конфликт...

    25 Chs 2 Colecciones