
LV 3
2021-11-17 Se unió Global
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Moments 19
4 days ago

this pace is quite good...does not make me regret wasting my coins and fp for just a small plot to progress. Keep it up author!

/// I tried a bit fast-paced guys, so do tell me if it was fast or if it was still slow. ///

Primordial Soul's Rebirth

Primordial Soul's Rebirth

Fantasy · Cosmic_Ceaser

18 days ago
Replied to Vio_Zero


A new life awaits her and the other three. And this time, Nora would make sure that Ethan doesn't suffer the same fate as he did last time.

Struggling as a Villain

Struggling as a Villain

Fantasy · RashCore

18 days ago
Replied to Sahin_Ahmed_5099

Victor levels of good?

18 days ago

I really don't understand...why is he forgiving the fox soo much...like the "plot" is prob making him dumb and fool.

Zhao Tian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his hands continuing to pat her back "Ziyu, don't worry... we can plant them again."

I alone am the Honoured One!

I alone am the Honoured One!

Eastern · Akkuzz_69

1 months ago

Got me hooked from the start of the novel especially when I read that the author had spreadsheets so I knew it was going to be great and did not disappoint me even a bit! And the harem is slowly developing with no 2d characters but genuine development that makes me want to root for them. In the sea of trash Harem novels on this site, it really is a breath of fresh air. Great work author! (p.s. I hope Laura gets the regret ending...hate that hypocrite)

1 months ago

He is too smart for his own good but damn he is smart!

Maylock paused for a moment before answering. "From what I've observed and concluded, it seems the cost he has to pay is that he might be unable to level up, gain experience points from killing monsters, or perhaps he can only level up in a special way."

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Fantasy · Galanteo

1 months ago

tbh ...I still don't want Laura in the harem, just as a friends is ok...or maybe it's just me who has got trauma from reading my seven demonic wives...idk

"No one said that." Leon answered and then fell silent for a moment before continuing. "She explained everything about her father and apologized. And…" he paused again. "I don't have a reason not to forgive her because… no hard feelings on my part. And she said she wants to be friends."

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Fantasy · Galanteo

1 months ago

letssss goooooo!!!! I just hope author writes the harem good and does not mess up the romance...

Alora froze for a second, and Broken pressed his lips to hers. It was natural, without any hesitation, a simple expression of their shared triumph and feelings. They stayed like that, savoring the connection they had worked so hard to build and protect.

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Fantasy · Galanteo

1 months ago

yup...like I said the best couple!!

At one point, Broken decapitated a demon about to attack Alora from behind, just as she severed the head of another demon lunging at Broken. Their synchronized strikes were flawless, the two of them moving in perfect harmony as they cut down their foes. Clearly, they relished this battle.

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Fantasy · Galanteo

1 months ago

Deserves to be the first wife or the only wife if this was not a harem....Also hope every fml that is in the harem gets development like this....I really am loving it and it's a breath of fresh air, in the mountain of trash Harem novels that webnnovel has....Great work author!!!!!!


"Yes, Baron Broken. It has been a thrilling and exciting experience to fight alongside you," she replied.

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Fantasy · Galanteo