it could be after the oblivion crisis cuz Skyrim is years after the game of Oblivion
"Aye, my friend. I have not heard of such a method beyond teleportation, but such a thing is outlawed by the Empire."
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
And seeing the name I smiled as this was the Father Box is itself is an overpowered thing as it is just a Mother Box with some minor changes and a much more powerful than Mother Box.
Anime & Comics · GodOfGreedAs
Welcome to the church of the bomb
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Anime & Comics · Azazyel
in the anime they made her go into a fist fight instead of using her Auto counter it said that if she had kept using it the MC would have lost
True, these thoughts couldn't belong to a 10 to 11 years old child but Kirukiru was one of the people who unlike Samuel, someone who was to some extent abnormal by birth, be called 'Natural Geniuses'.
Anime & Comics · Dreizehnn
that just makes me think about that Batman
You shook your hands out and smirked, "I may not be a 'noble vampire', but I come from a long line of the rich elite in the human world, after my parents got killed, I spent every waking moment learning how to use my youki and my new strength, and paid for the best of the best martial artists around to come teach me," you boasted, you were after all very proud of the family you came from, your fathers blood, the blood of a man brave enough to stand up for his son even bleeding out and dying and managing to wound the monster that attacked you, "Boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Karate, Taekwondo, Krav Maga, Jujitsu, Judo, Kenpo and some more, I trained in them all for the last three years."
Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0