A cold unending labyrinth.
An infinite void of nothingness.
A ghost living in the past.
An eternally smoldering flame.
They weren't always like this.
There was a time they were happy, a time they were family.
But that time has long passed.
Now, only the broken remnants of a legend remain.
Yet there is no rest for the weary.
When the war starts brewing, and everyone in the continent is threatened they will be forced to join forces.
But the question is, will they put aside their differences for the sake of the continent?
Authors Note: We do not own "The Beginning After The End" everything belongs to its respective author TurtleMe. (Except our OCs)
The cover is edited by SungDripsWoo in Photoshop.
(Heheee, that's what he looks like, IMAGE:)
Anime & Comics · SeveringFate