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I'm trying to translate Chinese LOM comments into English, hope other readers like those comments. As for Sinophobia haters, why don't you go fuck yourselves?

2021-10-16 Se unió China
Insignias 8

Moments 2261
9 months ago
Replied to TheRizzler

Most of the people can't imagine things they have never done before. Clearly you are just another sinophobia hater who deeply believed in the "Xin Jiang camp" based on your own history, and spread these kind of rumors again and again even without any solid evidence. My suggestion is, go to Twitter and be a troll there, leave this WebNovel app to the real readers.

You haven't seen the true skills of an Assassin, or you might be taken away to some indescribable place for further reeducation… Klein thought.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

9 months ago

ID: 倾倒的壶 Comment: After all, Clow Read was dead already. Likes: 2439


"He said with a laugh that The Moon currently has no owner.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

9 months ago

ID: 凡尔赛 Comment: Mr. Door:"Three wishes." Emperor Roselle:"Fine, let me hear your wishes." Likes: 1686

"He seems to have understood that he has to come up with something that would move me, instead of giving me three intangible wishes, in order for me to consider whether I should take the hidden risks of saving him.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

9 months ago

ID: 清风掠幽竹 Comment: What should I do? Give you my used text books? Likes: 1661

However, the City of Silver doesn't have the diary pages of the so-called Emperor Roselle… Well, Mr. Fool is very interested in history, so I'll have to read more books and records on these… With a thought, Derrick made a promise to Mr. Fool who sat high above them.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

10 months ago

In Chinese, 狡兔三窟

"Unlike the saying, a wily hare has far more than three holes!"

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

10 months ago
Replied to Hazel_Tokyo

Most of the time they would rely on auto-reply.😂

Then, he busily helped The Sun "awaken" his memories regarding the seven gods.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

10 months ago
Replied to ultimate_kars


The biggest one was only slightly shorter than Klein. It was a girl wearing a gorgeous long skirt. Her sleeves and collars were covered with lace and ribbons.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

10 months ago

ID: 子非鱼安知鱼之乐乎 Comment: I, don't have any feeling, and don't have any money. Likes: 5443

Mr. World is as cold and deep as ever… Perhaps when I reach Sequence 7 or 6, I'll be able to grasp his emotional changes and thoughts…

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

10 months ago

ID: 清月之萧 Comment: Love to read these kind of CEO prince stories. Finally Cuttlefish has become a woman channel writer. Likes: 6255

Could the main character of this story be Edessak Augustus? The situation is very consistent in all aspects. As a prince, marrying a commoner is practically treason in this era. Since the founding of Loen, the spouse of a direct descendant of the Augustus Family could only be a noblewoman… From what I've just heard, Edessak has brought that commoner woman back? And he has even grounded her as punishment? True love… In a split-second, the story of a tyrannical prince and a pitiful frail white flower took shape in Klein's mind.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

10 months ago
Replied to Xavi_Bias

Thanks for explaining!

[1] This is a Chinese proverb, which involves jumping into the Yellow River.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving