I hope
Finally, a Fire Blast from Charizard struck Tyranitar, bringing the battle to a close.
Anime & Comics · Fanglin
Guys, earlier when it was stated that Charizard used flamethrower recently learned with the final evolution it really meant Fire Blast
Finally, a Fire Blast from Charizard struck Tyranitar, bringing the battle to a close.
Anime & Comics · Fanglin
The first thing I thought of reading these paragraphs was finding a normal "e" or "s". I knew something was wrong!
«How you uƨɘ your nɘw livɘƨ is entirely up to mɘ».
Anime & Comics · ImmortalCockroach
Cringe should be a Deadly Sin
"You thought you were strong. Who decided that? You thought I would join your peerage. Who decided that?", I said fully embracing the pride from [Sunshine].
Anime & Comics · Orael
He was thinking ahead, fusing Megaman and Super Mario lol
Este libro ha sido eliminado.
Unbelievably cool! I'd say one of the best I've read until now. Expectations are sky-high! so happy the daughter didn't ...
Or did the relic make him simulate as the 'Son of the White Dragon'?
Anime & Comics · XElenea
Sauce: A.I. lol
[You are born, as Ultimate Life Form.]
Anime & Comics · XElenea
I think he meant "the story's villain" as a trick because it would mean literally an antagonist. Not THE villain
It sounds like a morally corrupt and twisted kind of thing, like posting explicit pictures without revealing the source.
Anime & Comics · XElenea
In a way, that's funny
Linde instantly understood. This was a trap.If he chose not to use it, then he would basically be admitting he was a noob. And that was unacceptable.Linde took a deep breath.
In the Type-Moon World, I Have the Holy Evil Simulator
Anime & Comics · Clem_Ent