Naa she’s a fallen Angel, that’s why she can’t leave Lucifer because it’s his fault
No problem, anything for my readers😊
Exactly so
Lucifer: we'll go ahead it's alright, go ahead, I dare you to use that name on me again, oh and I swear on dad's name you will really know what it feels like to sit on a chair made of demonic fires of hell.
Others · Noah_StrangeSs
SORRY mom your son is goodish I promise
Jinx: I don't know, he's a fucking Angel of God I was wondering something on the line's of "I summon thee oh great Asscheeks or Mighty pussy of Aladdin or some shit…
Others · Noah_StrangeSs
like seriously 😒
Hil arious
Thanks so much I appreciate it
True true🤔
You should check out “Don’t Mess With An Angel” It’s hilarious good
Lucifer: I'm sure but you can have him stuffed up after the job ohk
Don’t Mess With An Angel
Others · Noah_StrangeSs