
LV 1
2021-09-03 Se unió Global
Insignias 1

Moments 1
2 months ago

I like what you've listed Author, their are Pros and Cons to your idea's about Rins transition to the modern era that you listed. I fond great interest thinking about them especially number 1; and how maybe none sorcerers handle her as a house decoration or a museum exhibition with extensive history maybe a myth could be made from it considering her time period. I also like number 2 mybe she could seal enemies for times immoral or you know, what she hates and loves like a photo, or statue Now number 3, considering I haven't really watched or have been reading jjks manga and whatever other form it's made in. I don't know much about this vow stuff but I think it'd be interesting to have this vow stuff incorporated as a way to initiate getting reincarnated, and maybe it'll only work if Rins stupidly powerful to start the process. (Idea Maybe) Maybe Rin creates a technique or something to slow the ageing of the body with ice or some form of energy manipulation shenanigans. Maybe Rin can discard her human body and somehow become a cursed spirit 🤔 I think I'm gonna end this comment here Btw I pick 2 the sealing, whatever 😅
