

male LV 13

Just a nobody that likes books with comedy, action, and mc’s that actually use their brains.

2021-07-30 Se unió Canada
Insignias 21

Moments 855
5 days ago
Replied to Tekbox

Even then it's not impossible for them to create life extending technology and find a way to establish trade with another world with some cultivators.

He only spent a couple of hours fighting, but was incomparably exhausted. In the next two months, he repeated the practical test a couple more times, raising the difficulty every time. After a couple of times, his brother informed him that their standard beasts were running low, and they had to save some for the actual third practical test. Gravis frowned, but Orpheus smiled instead. Orpheus went out and captured a lot more beasts, and nearly all of them were new.

Lightning Is the Only Way

Lightning Is the Only Way

Eastern · Warmaisach

11 days ago

Only now realized that tiny sparkles and that crystal alligator may be My Little Pony references.

19 days ago


Luca can only nod and retrieve his spear as Cuth'lu wraps Le'du's wounds with a few large leaves. They start heading back but Le'du accidentally drops something that Luca picks up... It's the bag of white powder... Huh, he'd forgotten to take it as he'd been told. It seems that Le'du hadn't either as the string keeping it closed is still untouched... Shaking his head, he focuses on getting his injured companion back to the village.

Modern History

Modern History

Fantasy · Niggross

19 days ago
Replied to Streaf

Or he's learning from his influencer days and is doing this to gain clout.

"Here." he says laying his spear on the floor and tosses the boy a bird and a fox, they are both relatively large for their species and should feed him and his mother well... If every tribesman in the village was like that then they'd probably have to start slaughtering the herd of Sheep to feed themselves... Which wouldn't be a good idea as wool is one of the only exclusive things the tribe sells, like how the Gutizia tribe sells salt, Olmnar sells fish, Karaskir leather and the Tomnal tribe clay.

Modern History

Modern History

Fantasy · Niggross

19 days ago
Replied to Death_panda

I dunno, he could have just found a safe way(for his immortal body) of introducing more growth hormones over time.

She nods at him, satisfied with his explanation. She knew if he was truly hungry she would be able to tell but found it curious that he seems even better than yesterday. "I will drop these kills off and prepare the herbs... Maybe afterwards you would like to... Join me at the stream?" she asks him.

Modern History

Modern History

Fantasy · Niggross

19 days ago

I think the fact that they've had a healer for generations could be the reason for all these things they haven't adapted to. Kind of like Luca, they've managed survive not needing to resort to "dishonorable" things like poisoning or discovering that eating any animals brain will be fatal.

"No, it was a fat squirrel. I ate everything as you told me to, it's brain, organs and marrow." he says placatingly.

Modern History

Modern History

Fantasy · Niggross

19 days ago
Replied to Xerstoren

Yeah, or slings

Luca himself was having a tough time, he had continued learning under Sarr'ina to make things and hunt but his progress was limited in the latter activity. He was clumsy, not aware of his surroundings, weak, easy to tire and a terrible spear thrower. This has Sarr'ina slightly exasperated but continued to try and teach him nonetheless. She had seen his fitness slowly improving over the month along with his hunting skills but it was still far from being "good" in any stretch of the imagination.

Modern History

Modern History

Fantasy · Niggross

20 days ago

Don't really see the need for any magic in this book, though, besides the immortality and timetravel. But why are you giving humans the natural ability to use magic? He has at least 50,000 to 20,000 years to discover magic and invent a tumetravel machine. Also his immortality and knowledge to understand languages should give him a lot of avenues of research.

20 days ago
Replied to kite15663

There's magic in this world so I don't know about that.

Another thing he'd been struggling with was comprehending his current state of apparent "Immortality", he wasn't sure whether it was a gift or a curse... What would happened if he was buried alive or thrown in a volcano? Would he just keep coming back to life and dying an excruciating death?.. This would need further research, though he was wary of testing it as dying hurts and he didn't know how many times he could kick the bucket before the magic wore off.

Modern History

Modern History

Fantasy · Niggross

24 days ago
Replied to Arkhengelsk54

I mean if they do have a tradition of that type of stuff, I'm pretty sure his hair being the color blood could have a chance of being interpreted as a symbol of something.

An hour or two later Luca see's that they've almost reached the origin of the smoke, they breach the treeline and he sees a large clearing with many small primitive looking huts. In the middle sits a large fire that is currently roaring with a few carcasses of animals being hung over it. He sees a few people around and judging by the number of buildings Luca assumes there must only be around fifty people living here.

Modern History

Modern History

Fantasy · Niggross