Gave Me Flashbacks.
He saw himself again but Issei was tied up in a chair right in front him. This version of himself was chopping some kind of meat on a table. Then he started force feeding it raw to Issei. He could hear their conversation.
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
"I'm A Great Jelly Thing" Ahh Discription.
Now, all that was left of Mahito as he lay in a pool of his own blood that decorated the whole alley was this armless, legless thing. Just a body full of stumps as his limbs with a head still attached.
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
"Huh? That's weird, wait! I'VE SEEN THIS SCENE BEFORE!"
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
I Can Hear The Voices Sing.
Right in front Mahito, passed out and lying on some dirty cardboard boxes is a homeless guy. He looked like he was huddled under some trash. At his side is an even bigger pile of trash, hundreds of used lottery tickets, a bread that looks like it was stomped on, a dead guy in a suit with the side of his head blown open, and a revolver.
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter
Bro's Making My Heartbeat Weaken.
They can only want more? (˵ •̀ᴗ•́˵)و
Book&Literature · jrawt
Bro's Up There With Emiya And Klein.
"Neph, why are you burning your wife!" she yelled in panic, causing Kai to double over in a coughing fit.
Book&Literature · jrawt
"I don't know whether to be more shocked by the absurdity of these statements or the fact that the poetry is somehow evolving even further," he mumbled, looking at Solvanne.
Book&Literature · jrawt
Amein X Sundret? Absolutely Vile, I Love It.
"Interesting..interesting, so interesting….." he murmured
Book&Literature · jrawt
Ok Tsundere.
He was a never ending mystery, a spark of amusement that made him feel strangely alive in his existence, apart from his will to destroy his father and Valor, and everything related.
Book&Literature · jrawt
Women Are Only Good For Breeding.
After that, they went to the arcade. Yuki was ass at everything but Murayama was too cuz she's a woman. But Murayama suprised Yuki though when they played hoops and she was ballin.
A True Curse in DxD: I'm Gonna Touch You
Anime & Comics · SugmaMaleWriter