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LV 14
2021-07-19 Se unió Global

Insignias 14

Moments 662


why they let them meet each other then?

"The Chen family is not an ordinary person... although you have some skills, the Chen family... sigh, even if I told you, you would not understand. Forget it, this is the contact information our captain asked me to give you. His phone is on 24 hours a day. If there is anything urgent, you can look for him at any time. Alright, you should also try not to go out for the next two days. Once this matter is resolved, you should hurry back."

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain

Replied to tigeri666

of course she alone and her dozen of servants 😉

"Mom, Dad, it's not convenient for Grandpa and Grandma at the moment. They're still angry. Let's let elder sister accompany them properly first and persuade them. Later, when Grandpa and Grandma are less angry, we'll come and visit them again, right?" It was Qin Jiatong who spoke, her voice soft and weak. With a hint of softness and naivety, she said, "Grandpa, don't be angry and ruin your health. My parents are so busy that they can't take care of the house all day long. I usually live alone too..." So, what did you say about letting Qin Yiyi live outside by himself? I also live like this. Of course, sometimes when she spoke, she really didn't need to point it out. It was more proper to let people think for themselves.

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain


I cant with these people. right now the most important is to argue not to provide first aid. 🤦‍♀️

He raised his hand and pointed at Qin Yiyi. "Now, even her biological parents have given up on her. How dare you disregard my father's life and death for an outsider?"

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain


how with his personality?

Moreover, Ma Liangxin had been paying special attention to his image in the outside world these years, and he got along quite well with many people.

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain


and we all forgot how she scanned he wechat with the police officer 🤦‍♀️

She pursed her lips, and when she took out her phone, she realized that she had actually forgotten to turn it on.

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain

Replied to Dramebaaz28

its not the only plot jump here 🙂 I had a feeling that the author forgot his own plot

This made a smile appear in Ah Mu's eyes, who was already in his thirties. He scratched his head and could not help but say, "About that, I would like to ask Miss Qin for a favor... I can't find an IP address, and I can't even find someone from our technical department. About that, our technical staff said that your computer skills are very good, can you find some time to help me take a look?"

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain


who is she performing for now? isnt she also in the same situation and her results currently are worse. will she step down from the competition because of next year exams?🤦‍♀️

"Don't you like drawing? These are some of the knowledge points that I have compiled. Some of them are the drawing skills that my teacher told me about. Sister, take them back and have a look." When Qin Jiatong said these words, her tone was very sincere, she acted as if she was thinking of her good sister. "But sister, don't neglect your studies. We will be in our third year of high school next year. We will be taking the college entrance exam. But I believe that sister will definitely be able to..."

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain


why coal of all things?

Ding Yi: "Yes, yes. Miss Qin, please have pity on me. If you don't take me in, I'll be sent by Sir to Africa to dig coal."

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain

Replied to Daoist207304

not only that but somehow her friend vanished 🤷‍♀️

Yang Huaijun was a little confused until he was dragged away by Ding Yi who was outside the door.

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain

Replied to zeptaras

the story wouldnt be complete without him 😆

Although he didn't think that Qin Jiatong was worth putting in any effort… When he came, Second Young Master Gu had made it clear that she was his savior, so he couldn't afford to have an opinion about it. Now that the things had been delivered, the young man nodded indifferently and was prepared to leave.

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain


the time also flows differently in the novel

It was almost 9:30 pm. Who was she doing this for? Hunger was something that could never happen again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain


is this written by a teenager?

Qin Yiyi turned her head around and smiled at Doctor Chen, whose jaw was so wide that it could fit an egg. "Doctor Chen, please go home and prepare a set of women's clothing. My request is that you, Doctor Chen, run a hundred laps around the hospital in women's clothing and then bark a hundred times like a dog." 

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

General · Listening to the Cold Rain

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