
LV 13
2021-07-06 Se unió Global
Insignias 9

Moments 3
4 months ago

im done this got stupid real quick

There are plenty of stronger creatures stronger than you, for example, if Lord Voldemort had been less arrogant and had put a protective barrier around himself, you would have never have harmed him. Or Albus Dumbledore the greatest wizard of his generation could have easily killed you.

Vampire in the Harry Potter World

Vampire in the Harry Potter World

Others · dragonfang1917

1 years ago
Replied to Mira_Wdowicka

i think the author is just trying to make up for the oversight

After all, the insight skill had already indicated that the medicinal effect of the Marrow Cleansing Pill depended on the user's own physique. This meant that the stronger the user's physique, the lower the medicinal effect. Therefore, it was better to use it as soon as possible.

Worldwide Survival: Begins As An Island Owner

Worldwide Survival: Begins As An Island Owner

Sci-fi · The Stroller

3 years ago

I love this book !!😁 -‐------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------