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2021-07-02 Se unió Global

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Replied to Sageofinfintypaths

what is it bro

Welcome to my Attack On Titan fanfiction, I have realized that the great fanfic 'Empire Of Titans' doesn't have a clear update timetable and well GhostyZ struck again so I decided to write mine, Hope you like it.

Attack On Titan: It Was My Choice

Attack On Titan: It Was My Choice

Anime & Comics · Kris_Tylers_1273



(A/N: I'm going to let people decide here. Who do you want it to be? I would also like to thank everyone for their support over the past several days. Ive gotten a lot of what I wanted to say out of the way so now I can get into the really fun stuff. See you in the next chapter!)

Livestreaming? Yeah That's How I Level Up

Livestreaming? Yeah That's How I Level Up

Anime & Comics · SaiKojin



3. Not a naruto story, but an extension of the KanoKari story. Zombie apocalypse. I don't think I need to say anything more.

KanoKari: A Different Life

KanoKari: A Different Life

Anime & Comics · Addyctive7


The smartest man in the universe.


[You received the intelligence of Rick Sanchez]



Anime & Comics · LORE_


A fat man and a little boy dropped by.....

"Not another word. Complacency like yours is what brought this about. Speak again and you will die. How dare my country be lowered to this?!" She looked around in anger, "What caused this?! What has become of my people?! The same people that would rather die standing then fall to an oppressor?! You... Is it your blasphemous God?!" Oda raged at the crosses on the Ruler's clothes, that would make sense.



Anime & Comics · Dreizehnn

Replied to Sammy_Amigo

I assume this is happening while our mc is thinking author prob forgot to mention it.

It was not only Mei Qing but various heroines all over the world who suffered the same fate. Many were destined to be unable to sleep tonight.

The plot collapses: All the heroines are broken!

The plot collapses: All the heroines are broken!

Urban · Sheizzcoldasice

Replied to ManOfCultureLeon

I see.

Making myself to be Superman, Doctor Manhattan, or even Galactus was not an option. They would stand out far too much, I had to go with something more reasonable that could get better over time. Thinking back on all the video games and comics I read before this all started, one series stood out among the rest…Infamous. Delsin Rowe's ability to take powers from other superpowered people would suit my needs perfectly, and if I combined it with Cole MacGrath's power I knew I could amass enough power to kill the God of Reincarnation.

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon


Didn't it occur to you he can just take that away since he gave it?

Making myself to be Superman, Doctor Manhattan, or even Galactus was not an option. They would stand out far too much, I had to go with something more reasonable that could get better over time. Thinking back on all the video games and comics I read before this all started, one series stood out among the rest…Infamous. Delsin Rowe's ability to take powers from other superpowered people would suit my needs perfectly, and if I combined it with Cole MacGrath's power I knew I could amass enough power to kill the God of Reincarnation.

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon

Replied to Username48399

Every lightning powered mc ive seen always has a rail gun.

I'm still thinking about how the MC will use his power.

Lightning Human in MHA

Lightning Human in MHA

Anime & Comics · Digital_Ink

Replied to ashes_

Since this fic has all of us are dead anyway can you add the fml from #ALIVE movie and Happiness series?

Lemme know if I've missed someone out or if you think someone is unworthy to become the members of the harem table.

Z-Dayz : Crafting In An Apocalypse (HOTD AU)

Z-Dayz : Crafting In An Apocalypse (HOTD AU)

Anime & Comics · ashes_


You will certainly like the latest chapter of the opm manga then.



"How to you expect a normal blob of flesh to survive in a hell like this?! Resident Evil?! Dying Light?! Highschool Of The Dead?! All Of Us Are Dead?!"

Z-Dayz : Crafting In An Apocalypse (HOTD AU)

Z-Dayz : Crafting In An Apocalypse (HOTD AU)

Anime & Comics · ashes_

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