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2021-06-21 Se unióAustria
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3 years ago
I like your story 😊. It's beautifully written.
I think you would like mine. If you want your are welcome to my channel. Hope to see you soon ❤
Maybelle lives in Little England and has to struggle through life day by day. Until one day an opportunity comes along for her that will change everything!
An excerpt:
"Much and nothing." We were only a few millimetres away from our lips. I felt a drop of rain on the tip of my nose, a few seconds later it was pouring down. As if the rain had shaken me awake, I was brought back to reality. "Nicolas, I can't, I'm sorry." I left him and ran through the rain back to the palace. When I was dry, the water ran off me like a rivulet. What had I almost done? I would have put his life at risk. My heart had skipped a beat at his touch. I was not allowed to feel that way about him. I hate you my heart, I hate you!
Dinora, la princesse de la famille royale anglaise, ne souhaite rien d'autre que de pouvoir lire ses livres en paix et de ne pas penser à se marier, mais son père, le roi Melchior et la reine Layna, ne veulent rien d'autre que leur fille tombe amoureuse comme sa grande sœur Faina. Ils font assister Dinora à trois bals, pendant ces trois nuits, elle est censée tomber amoureuse. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque ces trois nuits prennent une tournure complètement différente de ce qu'elles auraient dû être ? Et il y a un autre problème, Dinora tombe amoureuse de deux hommes qui ne pourraient pas être plus différents. Qui devrait-elle choisir ?
Dinora, the princess of the English royal family, wants nothing more than to be able to read her books in peace and not think about getting married, but her father King Melchior and Queen Layna want nothing more than for their daughter to fall in love just like her older sister Faina. They let Dinora have three balls, during these three nights she is supposed to fall in love. But what happens when these three nights turn out to be completely different from what they should have been? And there is another problem: Dinora falls in love with two men who couldn't be more different. Which one should she choose?
Dinora, la princesa de la familia real inglesa, no quiere otra cosa que poder leer sus libros en paz y no pensar en casarse, pero su padre, el rey Melchor y la reina Layna, no quieren otra cosa que su hija se enamore como su hermana mayor Faina. Dejan que Dinora tenga tres bailes, durante estas tres noches se supone que se enamorará. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando estas tres noches resultan ser completamente diferentes de lo que deberían haber sido? Y hay otro problema: Dinora se enamora de dos hombres que no podrían ser más diferentes. ¿A cuál de ellos debe elegir?
I like your story 😊. It's beautifully written. I think you would like mine. If you want your are welcome to my channel. Hope to see you soon ❤
The Forgotten Princess
History · Les01