I love this story.🥰😘 Fast paced action, intriguing and engaging mystery in the main story and many unique development arcs and subplots used to progress the mc and supporting characters. No slow/ filler chapters! The author/ story skips over the time between arcs so although time progesses, the pace doesn't slow down for the reader. A very bingeworthy and easy to read novel with many twists and turns, interesting subplots and intelligent writing that focuses on developing the story and characters (without treating the readers like idiots that need longwinded explanaitions or monologues) BIGGEST PEAVE..... not updating often enough!!!!🤨 ????Why is it that most of the novels that I feel are well written and bingeworthy end up with slow updates?????🥺😢😭 Please return to 1 chapter a day 🥺
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza
Is there a list of all the books ( so far) that show the recommended order of reading?
I have said it before and I will say it again.😘 "Level up Legacy" is a hidden gem! 🥰 MellowGuy uses the character dialogues, actions and surrounding world events to drive the plot development. His skills as a storyteller are more mature than many I have seen on WN, as he does NOT slow down the story with repeated, wordy (and annoying) explainations of the charaters thought processes and World/power mechanics The action driven plot and character development are easy to follow. Every chapter moves the story forward and keeps the reader engaged. My only disappointment (as a privilege reader)is that MellowGuy is unable to focus solely on his writing [img=update]( #life commitments, #authorsarepeopletoo) and so chapter uploads are not available in quantities that allow me to binge read daily. Saying that, the pace, flow, character development, world setting, story development and writing style are well worth my invested time, coins, golden tickets and powerstones. [img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=recommend] My biggest hope is to see "Level up Legacy" and MellowGuy recognised in WN rankings and to have more readers discover this amazing storyteller's works. No matter what, I will continue to support LUL until the full stop at the end of Arthur Netherborn's journey.[img=coins][img=recommend]
Thank you MellowGuy! Great chapter! Looking forward to seeing where this leads Arthur in the future. ...but I read it before rebuilding my stockpile up.🤦♀️( I couldn't help myself)😜
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza
Where are you MellowGuy? I really miss being able to read daily about Arthur and the world you have created here. Please let us know what we, your consistant and avid readers, can do to assist you in returning to regular updates. This life/world/journey that you have imagined, developed and presented has enraptured and engaged me with a longing to return frequently and immerse myself into this story to its conclusion. ( selfish rant to follow) The previous schedule of one chapter a day was already hard for me as I prefer to binge read and lose myself in the narative. At my daily check in, I would look through my library in anticipation. While allocating my daily golden ticket and power stone to " Level up legacy" I would check the number of chapters uploaded. I would then wait till at least 5 chaps were available so I could catch up on my favorite story. ( yes Privileged chapters purchased monthly) Currently with one chapter a week.....?That is too sad. Now I ( and other readers too, I'm sure) will need to wait for a stockpile to accumulate for many weeks before reading again! 😢 Then wait again for the next stockpile? 😭 ( sorry for whinging but your writing and storytelling skill is truly at the level of professional published novels. It is still shocking to me that this book has not received the awards and accolades of more readers on this platform.) *PLEASE persevere and not abandon this novel! (as other authors have when their efforts have yet to be recognised.) Although this work has not ranked as it should, it is still a masterpiece that deserves completion. Your current and future readers thank you for all the effort you pour into sharing this epic story with us.
I am not sure where you got your information regarding Angels, demons/devils and Nephillim from? These are all terms from the bible and the Author has, in previous comments, explained the terms as per the translations of the original hebrew text. FYI religious canon/ doctrine that is taught according to interpretation through church authority is not the same as Scriptural/ Biblical information. The following is my understanding through reading the scriptures and through various translations from Hebrew text over the years. This is different from the the prior understanding I had from listening to sermons and stories in church. The angels sent to watch over mankind after Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden ( called Watchers) fell in love with the daughters of man. They defied God and lived amongst mankind, married the women and shared forbidden knowledge ( alchemy,genetics,metallurgy, herbalism,warcraft ect) The offspring of these Watchers and women were call Nephillim. They and their decendants were giants that rampaged across the earth destroying and consuming everything in their path. After exhausting all the lands resourses they turned to cannibalism. The preferred meat....their ancestors, mankind but also not adverse to giant meat either. When God punished the Watchers ( known as fallen angels because they "fell" away from their holy position) they were thrown into the pit, their authority stripped, to await punishment on the day of judgement. Fallen angels are not the demons/ devils of spiritual warfare. At that time the Nephillim were destroyed also but their spirits where left to roam the earth. They are the evil/demonic powers that hate mankind and try to corrupt and destroy Gods creation. So biblically Angels did procreate with women. The offsping are an abomination due to the unholy union. The offspring are called Nephillim. The spirits of the Nephillim were left to wander the earth. In their hate and anguish they use their powers to corrupt and torment Gods beloved creation. Nephillim are what we call demons, devils and evilspirits. ( devil is a term that refers to being against God. It is not a name of a particular individual) I hope this is of interest to you...if not I just wasted an hour...oh well.😁
I very rarely stop reading to write chapter comments but I was so emotionally impacted by this single chapter that I cannot read further without complementing #Guiltythree. " I am in awe of your writing skill, storytelling and creativity. Your abilty to emote such strong reactions in the reader in just this one single chapter....inspiring! Thankyou for the journey through silent tears..., squint eyed crying.., uglyface bawling, restrained grunts and intermittent guttural noises." This whole chapter is full of painful yet bittersweet realisations and revelations. I still don't know whether I was crying for Cassie or Sunny, nor if in joy, sadness or empathy. I now have to reread this chapter to make sure that I didn't miss any important information. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get the feels again?
See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair
Level Up Legacy
Fantasy · MellowGuy