Hands_Rated_E_1 - Profile



LV 3

Listen I am a man of culture, I will slap a girl or a boy because I'm that amazing

2021-06-07 Se unió Global

Insignias 6

Moments 480

Replied to Morg535


"Enough of this nonsense!" The trainer's whip lashed out, but even seemingly unarmed the warriors were more than ready for the attack. Suki tossed out her hairpin, striking the man's wrist and aborting the bended fire whip to get anywhere close to the others. Then Kana rushed out, her wooden-beaded bracelet wrapped around her knuckles to serve as an improvised knuckle duster. The trainer stared in surprise for all of two seconds before she landed a solid hook across his face with a solid crack.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to

Yooo hajime no ippo

"Enough of this nonsense!" The trainer's whip lashed out, but even seemingly unarmed the warriors were more than ready for the attack. Suki tossed out her hairpin, striking the man's wrist and aborting the bended fire whip to get anywhere close to the others. Then Kana rushed out, her wooden-beaded bracelet wrapped around her knuckles to serve as an improvised knuckle duster. The trainer stared in surprise for all of two seconds before she landed a solid hook across his face with a solid crack.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to AverageArtEnjoyer

Listen bro don’t read it cuz what Griffith did was rap the mcs girl and force him to watch while he was getting held down by demons

Xing's hands yanked at the neckline of her dress, and Azula quickly shrugged herself out of it without further prompting. Her own hunger saw her burn off her undergarments in a fit of impatience, and then a moment of almost dreadful clarity hit the princess as she became aware that she was standing naked before Xing.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to Venerable_One

The harem tag is for colonel dao

Yeah, Suki didn't want to know just how much of those rumors were true. Her…nightmares of the boy's iron grip around her throat was more than enough.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to Charlie_English

I just remember it saying he was a little bit older than Azusa but I didn’t know if this was cannon age because I didn’t think he’d be like 11 or 10 here if it’s cannon ages

Xing shook his head. "No. Zhao hasn't done anything to us that warrants that, at least not yet. Plus I doubt we'll find the right opportunity, even if we cross paths with him."

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to Charlie_English

How old is xing here rn?

Xing shook his head. "No. Zhao hasn't done anything to us that warrants that, at least not yet. Plus I doubt we'll find the right opportunity, even if we cross paths with him."

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to crimson666devil

Prob ty lee and Mai

It rankled her that she couldn't properly rein in her…her emotions. It was even more annoying to have to admit to herself that she was feeling something towards Xing beyond admiration.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to AverageArtEnjoyer

Nah they said he was like a little bit older

So far, she was slowly deciphering his body language. Like the ghost of a smile he gave to his officers, or the degrees of satisfied nods he gave when Azula or Zuko were able to see through the hidden moves of his battle reports. That she felt a stirring of…something whenever she gazed at him was disturbing, but it was a minor thing to be pondered on in her free time.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt

Replied to Leutwin

I just wanna get a image of each race ngl 😭

"Good. Now get into the portal and do our race proud."

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

Replied to It_Is_Me_Ttt

Oh ye I remember how he said injuries that would take weeks to heal in his would heal overnight

Touching one of my teeth, I yanked it out of my body. Though it was painful, I did not show it outwardly. 

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

Replied to Wataterp

But who could blame the author the guys writing is godly and he has so many plot twists and facts it’s only natural he forgets some things

The reason why Ren's fist was coated in green was because at the moment it was currently coated with wind psyons. Using the same principle as the Keiki style, borrowing the speed that he got from the wind psyons, Ren released a devastating attack that was almost as fast as his regular sword attack. 

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

Replied to Sumer_sun

What novel is that from

He had to stop giving a fuck. 

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

Replied to idontreallyknow

Ye he did also the guy uses twin short swords like Emma in pretty sure

This was partly why she didn't ignore John's annoying and blatant approaches. If not, she would've already dug her rapier into his skull. 

The Author's POV

The Author's POV

Fantasy · Entrail_JI

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