I just snapped human necks before,
Fantasy · DamnPlotArmor
*The bears in Hell difficulty*
Select the difficulty of the main tutorial: Very Easy, Easy, Moderate, Hard, Hell.
Fantasy · Oleanderr0
Feel like this is familiar for some reason. Ceremonies seem odd since the last one for him.
"Gang Leader, at most five minutes, my boss's title will change," said a captain next to them, rubbing his hands excitedly, "The inauguration ceremony can start now."
Urban · Ah, okay, okay, okay
If you really need to it can move around and act as a FTL capable battle station of doom if you want to go full galactic warlord. The Megastructure can freely open portals or teleport to different locations, universes, dimensions, multiverses, and Omniverses if you aren't wanting to deal with the local Omniverse creator.
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
Don't see a hammer yet but potentially yeah.
Instinctively dodging backward, he turned and saw Gao Ming lifting a heavy vase; he faintly remembered the man had claimed to be very introverted.
Games · I Fix Air-Conditioner
'It's still difficult to compare her with her Shrek counterpart' Joseph thought, remembering the arrogant, sarcastic, and stubborn Snow White from the Shrek 3 movie.
Movies · PowerMan579
It will be through Faith, Steel, and Gunpowder that he will create his legacy.
Movies · PowerMan579
"Your parents are in my hands; you can't escape. Even if you do, I have ways to bring you back!"
Games · Elderly Guest On Changbai Mountain
...The Dragon God.
Anime & Comics · Dr_Armstrong
True liquid cat?
I reach for the fountain and look at the water. My form was immediately revealed. I was turned into a fully black furred cat.
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God
Anime & Comics · Daoist_KittyKat