Stevenking666 - Profile



male LV 14

I love spider-man

2021-05-29 Se unió United States

Insignias 8

Moments 390

Replied to GGloserzz_69

I mean he did kill his brother Abel over jealousy so it possible


"I'd take slightly silly over too serious any day," The way Sean said it made Kara think he was declaring a solemn vow.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



"You don't know what you're talking about. You symbiotes belong to me," Ironman declared coldly as he drove both blades deep into Misery's chest. "I created you!"

Spider-Man 0X

Spider-Man 0X

Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc


Yea that sounds like comic iron man


He was fascinated to see the power Eddie displayed when bonded with Venom, especially when he noticed how symbiotes can heal wounds instantly. So, he started more experiments and tried to find its source, but the thing is he couldn't do it as Tony Stark since if things went bad, his reputation would be ruined. So, he created a secret group known as the All Life Foundation and had them carry out all operations while funding them from the shadows. Tony wanted to unlock the true potential of humanity. His goal was to remove the Symbiote's mind that way after bonding, humanity would be able to use their power without losing their sanity and mainly, there would be no rejection.

Spider-Man 0X

Spider-Man 0X

Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc



They believe a beauty must be large and muscular.

I Became A Third Rate Villain In The Hero Academy

I Became A Third Rate Villain In The Hero Academy

Fantasy · Zeom

Replied to Domikers


"What you haven't realised, Claire, is that Zephyr's the one who's helped her", Mitchell ranted, "Why do you think she has more friends now? Zephyr. Why do you think she revises less? Zephyr again. Why do you think she's in the lacrosse team? Zephyr. Almost every good change that's happened to her so far is because of Zephyr, something you'd realise if you actually asked her instead of sneaking around and having a problem with the stage they've reached in their relationship". Realising that everyone's eyes were on him, Mitchell coughed into her hand, "Nothing to see here folks. Just continue with what you were doing".

Modern Family: Gacha

Modern Family: Gacha

TV · N_R_U



"Yup," Peter confirmed. "It was actually quite an endeavor. First, I synthesized the qubits using advanced nanofabrication techniques, creating superconducting loops to exploit quantum coherence. I optimized their placement to facilitate entanglement and superposition, leveraging principles from quantum information theory. Then, I implemented sophisticated error correction codes like the surface code, which involved encoding qubits to protect against quantum decoherence and noise. This step ensured the reliability and stability of our quantum operations. Next, I engineered a cryogenic environment using dilution refrigerators to cool the quantum processor to near absolute zero temperatures. This minimized thermal disturbances and maintained the delicate quantum states necessary for computation. To integrate the quantum processor with Aria's AI, I developed a quantum-classical interface. This involved designing quantum gates and classical control circuits to enable seamless communication between the quantum and classical domains. Aria's neural network was adapted to process quantum states, enhancing her analytical capabilities and decision-making speed. Finally, rigorous testing and calibration were performed using techniques such as quantum tomography and randomized benchmarking. These ensured the accuracy and fidelity of our quantum computations, validating the system's performance before deployment." 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3



"2, no one's counting, it's just me."

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3



The earth shook slightly as he landed on the ground.

I Am Energy In Dc

I Am Energy In Dc

Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours


Can’t he just make a super solider serum but better

Chemical augmentations have their own risks dependent upon the subject's genetic background and how they adjust to the alteration of cells and molecules and to a more physical point, tissue growth.

Halo Reborn

Halo Reborn

Video Games · Dr_Dred


I forgot about the Jedi to be honest


Alexander took advantage of this situation and pushed forward towards the enemy fleet. It didn't take long before the Yuuzhan Vong fleet was destroyed. Meanwhile on the surface a battle rages on between Yuuzhan Vong ground forces and New Republic forces combined with Jedi.

Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

Star Wars A Galaxy Reborn

Others · Dr_Dred

Replied to InsanityX


- Levin? I only know Ashley Levin, she's an Osmosian and my girlfriend. - I said.

Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

TV · Zeckyll11


Bro really is a outer god


"I've never heard of anything like it," Michael mused with clear interest.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



"Yes," Didi nodded firmly. "She's family. And Family is Family, no matter how unused to us they are."

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


He/she not wrong


"Oh, shut up, bastard," Desire rolled their eyes even harder than Destruction had. "You never have anything nice to say. You're better off just not saying anything at all."

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


Awww it would been cool if the presence joined


Destruction was shoved into the Dead End. Within, he found a star-studded cast from the top tier of existence. Every one of his Endless siblings was there, as he'd sensed. But Lucifer was also inside the bar, with his 'side of the family' as Didi liked to call it. Which meant his wife/right-hand demoness Mazikeen, his Demiurgic brother Michael, and a young woman Destruction was unfamiliar with. The Presence didn't make an appearance, but then, he rarely did. Not even Didi could pull the Source of All from his 'retirement'.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



Truthfully, it was merely one side of the coin. As all things must fade, so too must they shine into existence. Creation and Destruction went hand in hand. Destruction — like all of his Endless siblings — was spawned into being with the creation of, well… Creation. The Presence — Source of All — was not directly responsible for their existence but he was still the spark that started it all.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



57: Endless Family Dinner (Temporary End)

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


I Mean he is the first murderer


Except… they weren't. Ares wasn't even granted the chance for a single strike. He was brought up short by a flash of sheer killing intent that left the God of War quailing and quivering in his divine boots. His mind stuttered and failed him. For the first time in his godly life, bloodlust was turned back upon him. Slaughter found him wanting. Impossibly, Ares was given absolutely no chance to fight back.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



I suppose I should just get this out of the way. The next chapter after this one is going to be the last Dead End chapter for a while. The story ran much, much longer than I thought it would (it'll likely be almost 420k words after this next chapter). While I still enjoy the story and characters very much, I've just about burned myself out on them for the time being.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

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