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male LV 4


2021-05-29 Se unió Suriname

Insignias 7

Moments 267




However, before he could brag further, a voice suddenly interrupted his words. "Eh, well... not really." 

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom



– Rocky Balboa, (Rocky Balboa)

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Marvel: A New God's Reign

Movies · God_Doom

Replied to khazar


By the way, it was quite interesting to know that Diana doesn't have an actual biological father in this universe. Seems like the Olympian God king just handed over some of his divine godly power to the Queen to help create Diana before he disappeared to God knows where... Wait a fucking minute, don't tell me that Hippolyta sculpted Diana from clay using Zeus' magical jizz or something! 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


the OG


"It's okay, Diana. You wouldn't have known. A lot of people make fun of the fact that a rich orphan who has everything in the world is being raised by his "manservant" but unfortunately nobody understands that Alfred is much more than just a servant or a caretaker to me. He is someone who has always been with me in this life, someone I never thought I would care much for, but I still do. To speak the truth..., he is the parent I never asked for, but one I needed to be what I am... After all, Batman is incomplete without an Alfred." I muttered with a chuckle as I continued to drive the car in silence. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to SamiOyakodonLover


- Victor Nikiforov, (Yuri!!! on Ice)

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


don't have enough money to hire a hitman, so I'll just do it myself. sleep with one eye open 👁️


Just don't try and order a hit on me since I am extremely close to getting my college degree and I don't want to die before that.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to God_Doom

nah you going straight to hell for not updating👎🏽

Just don't try and order a hit on me since I am extremely close to getting my college degree and I don't want to die before that.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"That dog and cat can literally talk in human language with the help of the two collars Bruce had made for them, Vicki. There is a chance that they are doing exactly what you said for real." Selina said with as much a straight face as she could muster.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


she can see the future???? women's intuition is crazy accurate

"Don't cry, Vicki. I am sure Bruce is all right. Have you seen his regenerative capabilities? Even scratches from that Catgirl's diamond-hard nails here hardly bother him during their lovemaking before they heal on their own in a second. I don't see him getting injured because of a measly explosion especially when he has access to all of his fancy toys and weapons in the plane's arsenal. No, when he returns which, he undoubtedly will, he will probably do so with a shit-eating grin on his face, maybe even with a new hot girl that he would have managed to charm" Talia tried to joke to lighten the mood. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



"It wasn't corporate sabotage as well. Some fuckers from some reputed pharma giants did try to have Bruce killed by paying a few mercenaries but most of them were either caught and taken care of by Bruce's new security team or they simply just gave up after learning that Slade Wilson is on his payroll.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


business is business


'One of the richest billionaires in the world now trying to sell his products on his own like a common salesman, oh, how the mighty have fallen.' I thought with a mental shake of my head.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


he's right


'Honestly, the kiss was truly not my mistake. After all, it wasn't my fault that I was a man, right? I mean, I have needs and desires too, and truthfully, missing the opportunity of kissing back Wonder Woman was straight out geh.' I mentally snorted, agreeing with my thoughts while showing a straight face on the outside.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


2 sets of hands are better than one.. JOIN THE DARK SIDE😈

At the same time, Hippolyta had a thoughtful expression on her face as she calmly stared at her beloved daughter French-kissing a man right in front of her as she mumbled something incoherent to herself, "Maybe this could work..."

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

Replied to Foosh


On the other hand, after a few seconds of locking her lips with Bruce, Diana began to feel a strange yet pleasurable feeling inside her mouth like something was... wrestling against her tongue.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



Hearing her daughter's words, Hippolyta was instantly going to say no to Diana's proposition and instead ask one of her royal guards to do it but suddenly, she seemed to remember something as her face brightened like she had just found out a solution to her problem. "You know what, you are right. You should be the one to do it since he seems to trust you." She suggested, allowing Diana to continue what she was doing.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


Bruce is the cookie monster and you're the cookie. good cookie=good bruce


'That boy is more dangerous than I originally believed. I thought that his appearance after one of the oracles made the prophecy of a man killing a god was just a coincidence, but it seems that destiny truly doesn't make mistakes... I doubt I can stop him from leaving after this, but I still need to somehow make sure that he doesn't perceive the Amazons as a threat to him. We can take on the men's world if worse comes to worst but a war against him and his... Machine army will cost us more than we can afford. Even I cannot fathom how much more dangerous and powerful he will grow with time.' She contemplated with a frown on her face. 'I need to make sure that he will never be a danger to Amazons... but how?'

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


wait till they find out they're just in your mind...


"Well, thank you for your service, Agent Smith. I will take care of everything else. You guys can go and relax... or do whatever else that you do in your free time, maybe help the xenomorphs replenish their numbers or something." I offhandedly commanded, behaving like they were living beings and not just mental lines of "psychic code" that I had constructed in my mind as AI guards.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom



It seems that some... supernatural power was used in binding the helm with a small part of Ares' divine soul. Its purpose is to possess anyone trying to don the helmet. Even though the soul fragment is too weak to directly reincarnate Ares into the boy of the wearer, it can still directly affect the wearer's mind and soul while slowly transforming them into a replica of Ares, complete with his powers and his personality. So, it is best if we remove the parasite from the helmet only after thorough research and detailed analysis to truly make our actions effective." He patiently explained while adjusting his dark shades.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


the goddesses :


After those three told me to wish for anything as a prize for "protecting" the mortal world, I had humbly wished for all gods and goddesses to stop bothering me in the future or including me in their stupid plans and manipulations. According to me, it was fair compensation for the shit I went through because of them including the loss of billions of dollars' worth of equipment. However, not only they didn't agree with it, but they even had the galls to actually laugh at my face.

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom

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