Daoistfi9kmI - Profile


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2021-05-23 Se unió Global

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Due to the absence of human presence for an extended period, numerous unsettling rumors had circulated about them. Some of these rumors even claimed that humans had a penchant for consuming the hearts of other players and could effortlessly tear them apart with their bare hands, elevating them to the status of rare legendary beings.

Billion Dollar Player

Billion Dollar Player

Games · Vanisher


This story is unique as is the author's previous work. You will not find anything else on Webnovel quite like them. Something enjoyable but not mindless. Complex and interesting without being pretentious. Similar to their previous story, the author has chosen a dark, ruthless, urban, industrial steampunk fantasy setting as the perfect stage to leverage their outstanding skill at writing characters with concealed thoughts, motives, agendas and identities. This is further bolstered by focusing on a compact setting instead of the more expansive, open worlds of your typical magical realism novel. This title shows immense promise, even after just 15 chapters. The pacing allows all of the developments to be interesting and give numerous opportunities to for entertaining events in the future, but also gives room for the characters to breathe and interact. The character writing (the author's main strength) is bold and complex, but tasteful, with vivid but not excessive descriptions and consistent, believable characterisation. Even better is the way the author executes character interactions, where the difference between the characters' thoughts and external actions gives each scene more depth and intrigue. Additionally, the way the plot is developing implies that we will get some of the author's exquisite melodrama, showcasing the characters vivid emotions as well as their humanity, paying off the dominos setup by the author beforehand. Although I called the author's setting compact, this does not detract from their world building that incorporates enough politics, economics, science and culture inspired by their real and fantastical counterparts to give a sense of tangibility to the world, pulling the reader in wanting to know more about it. The author describes part of their setting in visceral detail to give the reader a vivid image to spur their imagination and increase their engrossment in the story. To address the major turnoffs to potential readers there are two: The taboo and R18 subject matter and the main character. Firstly, if potential readers are concerned, triggered, or turned off by upsetting or risqué material or subject matter then I completely understand and support their choice to look elsewhere as this book is not looking to pull punches. For readers who are okay with stories containing these topics, I honestly believe that this story has used the setting so far to serve and enhance the narrative (such as with the 'A series' ) and trust that it will continue to do so. Your decision regarding the same is yours alone and may be different from mine. Secondly, I will say upfront that I am happy with the author's choice to restrict the amount of R18, smutty descriptions in the story and would prefer it to stay that way, as it has yet to majorly serve the narrative. I would honestly prefer for the story to continue to lean towards it's current direction in this regard but understand if potential readers would prefer to steer clear for this reason. Lastly, the main character is accurately characterised as a lazy, unintelligent, immature, deceitful, lecherous university student. The biggest defence I will pose is his narrative usefulness in enacting change ( by making different decisions to the original host) and in maintaining tension throughout the story (at least so far). Hopefully he will have some development to make him a bit more competent and less frustrating without breaking his character (some combat/ espionage training ?). That will be all 5/5 stars.


I think it's the way that Celine is written that keeps me glued to this story.

"…" Celine turns silent at my words, the gentle smile on her face remaining. However, for a very brief moment, less than even half a second, I thought an indescribable chill was contained in her gaze. It seems that the little stunt I did had a greater effect than what I intended.

Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Fantasy · Fnatic_Fan


Your story is worth waiting for. Welcome back.

I'm really sorry for the more than a year long absence. Coming back now, after not updating for so long feels kinda embarrassing. I was definitely busy irl, but most of the reason for stopping was really just motivation.

Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Fulfilling my Lustful Fantasies

Fantasy · Fnatic_Fan


A natural consequence of getting your daily recommended human for your dietary needs.

Thankfully, they seemed to work as she slowly woke up. The scars on her body also miraculously healed completely. Even I was surprised over the sudden change in my blood, I didn't remember it being so powerful.

Epic of Caterpillar

Epic of Caterpillar

Fantasy · PancakesWitch



"Celica… You are the most beautiful Troll… I… I…"

Epic of Caterpillar

Epic of Caterpillar

Fantasy · PancakesWitch

Replied to Prosperous

Or 'Completed the pokedex'

[You've obtained a new Title: Merciless Squirrel Killer]

Epic of Caterpillar

Epic of Caterpillar

Fantasy · PancakesWitch


Must be tough being a hardworking, acomplised bodyguard with years of experience, ex military veteran gets put on f*cking Tiana duty

Very soon, a cab arrived, and both of them got in as they left for the clothing shop. However, as usual, Tiana's bodyguards were tailing the cab from a far distance so that she wouldn't find it too annoying.

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


Green tea is great. MC is wrong

Even though she had maids to prepare anything for her, Viktor knew that she always preferred to prepare her tea, and one he was surprised that she still drinks only green tea even after all these years despite how bitter it tastes.

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


Giving him internet access was a mistake.

Sayana was dressed up for going out and stood near her mother to ask something. But seeing these two curvaceous figures standing together in front of him, a glint flashed across Viktor's eyes.

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


Is it bad I learnt the word 'nape' from Attack on Titan ?

He grabbed her nape as his fangs softly pierced into her neck, making Umilia put her hands over his back in panic.

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


At least 2 of his most important needs. Not even counting human connection.

But there was the excitement of her offering her blood to Viktor, which made her feel happy as well since even if she was a human, she was at least able to satisfy one of his most important needs, making her feel helpful at least as his maid.

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


Yeah, calling your colleagues old ain't cool

Sarah frowned, not liking the fact that Jessie included her into the "old women" category.

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


Never mind inside the car, It seems that a party is about to break out just behind :)

'What the heck is going on?' Viktor frowned, feeling that things were looking highly suspicious.

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


So I guess breaking and entering isn't a law here. 🤷‍♂️

Sean's eyes flashed as he said with a laugh, "Oh, don't worry about it. We got it all sorted out. Sorry, Denys. We three had to sneak into your retreat villa in the woods to prepare the drinks and stuff for today's celebration. It's only a few miles away from here, and it's located near a beautiful river as well. So how about we celebrate while enjoying mother nature and the river?"

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent


Based Roland

Yet, would anyone really think that I cared about what she thought?

Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Fantasy · Angry Squirrel


The hub WISHES they could come up with something as good as this!

It was said that in the end, the earl, his daughter, and her husband all decided to be together as one family without regards to how wrong things were.

Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Fantasy · Angry Squirrel



"The kind of person who doesn't leave the core, I see."

Bound to Evil

Bound to Evil

Urban · Barbare

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