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Fantasy · Saritina_UwU
Mapa de Hupyrmus
Fantasy · Saritina_UwU
(Ver comentario para ver diseño de personajes comparados con Ayla)
Fantasy · Saritina_UwU
(Ver comentario para ver diseño de personajes comparados con Ayla)
Fantasy · Saritina_UwU
"I saved her from a concentration camp that held her and other humans captive to be vampire food" he said. "I found the place in flames when I passed by. I'm sure all humans there scaped, but she was left behind there".
Fantasy · Saritina_UwU
Thanks for your advice! 💖
"I saved her from a concentration camp that held her and other humans captive to be vampire food" he said. "I found the place in flames when I passed by. I'm sure all humans there scaped, but she was left behind there".
Fantasy · Saritina_UwU
Crimson Necklace: Shattered Dreams
Fantasy · Saritina_UwU