
male LV 14
2021-04-02 Se unió Global
Insignias 11

Moments 16
14 days ago

I honestly don't like that all these women like him.

Most of my friends left after dinner that night, but my parents, Jessie, Weiss, and Rose along with the Kenji pair chose to stay for another day, so I continued touring Fortree City with them on Giratiday as well. My parents and the Kenji couple chose to leave after dinner, but the girls decided to stay for yet another day, so I ended up spending Palkiday alone with Jessie, Weiss, and Rose. The other girls called them sneaky for staying so long just to be alone with me, and Yoruichi complained that she would have stayed as well if she didn't have to get back to work. She then teasingly added that she must offset this huge injustice once she managed to get a day off and spent a day with me on her own, which elicited protests from the other girls citing that she couldn't stay with me without another one of them present.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

25 days ago
Replied to Dragoma

no. it opens in two months. it stays open for 2 weeks.

"The abyss will be open for two weeks, right? Are five pills enough?"

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy · Suiyan

1 months ago
Replied to Andrew_Edwards_0410

even longer

I could not help but smile happily when I saw that this Cyndaquil was actually female. Not only was she one of the rare females but even her potential was pretty great. Seeing this light blue female made me at least as happy as the talented blue male before her since it meant that the future Cyndaquil generations were secured, though speaking about something that was nearly a decade or so away might be a bit too soon.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

2 months ago

I hate when there just a giant theory dump only because I want the story now. but the info is cool.

If they were trying to free a legendary one would have to assume that they were the subordinates of said legendary, so why were they so weak if that was truly the case? Unlike the defenders, the invaders did not even have a single Stage 7 Pokemon. Did that sound like the strength the minions of a Legendary should have? I don't think so. Still, even if it was not a Legendary that was sealed here, I was still very interested in finding out what was in fact sealed beneath our feet, though asking that would have to wait until we had dealt with the aftermath of the invasion.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

3 months ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

3 months ago

I wanna see the reactions of the akatsuki

3 months ago

I just had a thought. what if his kekkei genkai become his domain technic.

Within a couple of minutes, every bandit met a painful and traumatizing death. The fire had thoroughly destroyed their bodies. Their skins and even their bones had melted! In fact, all signs of the camp had been destroyed. The only thing that was left was the burnt ground!

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

6 months ago

it's the 3rd person with the system.

"Who is in that coffin?" he thought. Since the answer wasn't gonna come up to him, he walked forward. 

Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Eastern · Snoring_Panda

8 months ago

Zukos about to absolutely destroy them.

8 months ago

they are so stupid. they have their scrolls. Let's leave it at that.

Seeing Fujin sigh in defeat, they both smirked.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex