Blasty_ - Profile


male LV 4

Anyone have any snacks they can share?

2021-03-20 Se unió Global

Insignias 5

Moments 734


This would be so useful

[No, they would essentially be unfeeling entities that can never be greater than the whole. Given enough time you'll forget they're even there] 

The Ultimate Technomancer

The Ultimate Technomancer

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn


I was very confused until I read the title

Aardvark, abacus, abdicate, aberration, abhor, abide, ablaze, abominable, aborigine, abrasive, abscond, absolve, abstract, absurd, abundance, abyss, academic, accede, accentuate, accessible, accessory, accolade, accommodate, accompany, accomplish, accordion, accost, account, accredit, accumulate, accuracy, accuse, accustomed, acerbic, achieve, acknowledge, acolyte, acoustic, acquaint, acquire, acrid, acronym, activate, acute, adamant, adaptable, addition, adept, adhere, adjacent, adjunct, adjust, administer, admirable, admission, admonish, adobe, adolescent, adopt, adorn, adrift, adroit, adult, advance, advantage, advent, adversary, advocate, aerial, aesthetic, affable, affect, affiliate, affluent, afford, affront, aftermath, agenda, agile, agitate, agony, agree, ailment, airship, aisle, akin, alabaster, alarm, albeit, alcove, alderman, alert, algae, alias, alibi, alienate, align, alike, alive, alkaline, allegory, alleviate, allocate, allude, allure, ally, almanac, almond, aloof, alphabet, alter, altruism, amaze, ambience, ambiguous, ambitious, amend, amiable, amidst, amnesty, amount, amplify, amuse, ancestor, anchor, ancient, anecdote, angelic, angler, anguish, animate, ankle, annex, announce, annual, anomaly, anonymous, anthology, anticipate, antique, anxiety, apart, apex, apiece, apology, apostle, appall, apparatus, apparel, appeal, append, appetite, applaud, apply, appoint, apprise, approach, approve, aquarium, aquatic, arable, arbitrage, arcade, archipelago, archive, ardent, arduous, arena, argue, arise, armament, aroma, arraign, arrange, arrest, arrive, arrogance, artery, article, artisan, ascend, ascertain, ascribe, ashore, aside, aspect, aspire, assail, assault, assemble, assert, assess, asset, assign, assist, assume, assure, astound, astray, astute, asylum, athlete, atlas, atmosphere, atomize, atone, atrocity, attach, attain, attempt, attend, attire, attract, auction, audacity, audible, augment, august, aurora, auspice, austere, authentic, authority, automate, autumn, auxiliary, available, avalanche, avenue, average, aviation, avoid, await, awake, award, aware, awesome, awkward, azure, babble, bachelor, backfire, backbone, backlash, bacteria, badger, baffle, bagpipe, bakery, balance, balcony, ballad, ballast, ballerina, ballot, bamboo, banish, banquet, barber, bargain, barrage, barren, barricade, barter, basement, basic, basilica, basket, bather, battery, bazaar, beacon, beaker, beamish, bearer, beastly, bedeck, bedtime, beehive, befriend, beggar, behalf, behavior, behold, beige, belief, bemoan, benevolent, bequeath, berate, beseech, beside, bestow, betray, beverage, bewilder, bibliography, bicycle, bilingual, biology, biography, birthmark, bison, bittersweet, bizarre, blabber, blacksmith, blame, blaspheme, blatant, blaze, bleach, blemish, blender, bless, blight, blissful, block, blossom, blueprint, blunder, blush, boardwalk, boast, bolster, bonanza, bond, bonfire, bonus, booklet, booster, border, botanical, bottle, bounce, bouquet, boundary, bounty, boulevard, bounty, bowler, bracelet, brackish, braggart, brandish, brave, brawler, breadwinner, breakthrough, breathtaking, breeze, brethren, briar, bricklayer, brigade, brilliant, brimstone, brisk, broaden, brochure, broadcast, broccoli, brochure, brogue, brother, brownstone, brushwork, bubble, bucket, buckle, buffalo, buffet, buggy, builder, bulbous, bulkhead, bulletin, bulldozer, bullpen, bungalow, buoyant, bureau, burglar, burlesque, burnish, bustling, butcher, butler, butterfly, button, bygone, bypass, bystander, cabbage, cabin, cabinet, cable, cactus, cadaver, cadence, caesura, calculate, calendar, caliber, calibrate, caliphate, calligraphy, calm, caloric, campaign, campus, canal, cancel, candid, candidate, candle, canopy, canyon, capable, capacity, capital, caprice, capsule, captivate, caravan, carbon, cardboard, cardiac, cardinal, career, carefree, caress, cargo, caricature, carnage, carnival, carpenter, cartridge, cascade, cashmere, casserole, casual, cataclysm, catalog, catalyst, catastrophe, category, cathedral, caterpillar, cauldron, caution, cavalry, cavern, celestial, censor, census, century, ceramic, cereal, certainty, certificate, chalkboard, challenge, chamber, champion, chandelier, change, channel, chaos, chapel, chapter, character, charisma, charity, charter, chasm, chatroom, chauffeur, checklist, cheekbone, cheerful, chef, chemical, cherish, cherry, chestnut, chew, chicory, chicken, chief, childhood, chilly, chimney, chipmunk, chisel, chlorophyll, chocolate, choice, choir, choke, choose, choral, chorus, chromosome, chronic, chubby, churlish, cider, cigarette, cinema, cinnamon, circle, circuit, circumference, circumstance, circus, citizen, civilize, clarify, classic, classroom, clause, clover, clubfoot, clutch, coalesce, coarsen, coastline, coconut, coherent, coil, coincide, collaborate, collapse, colleague, collect, collision, cologne, colonel, colony, colossal, colorblind, colossal, combat, combine, comedy, comfort, command, commemorate, commerce, commission, committee, common, commute, compact, companion, company, compare, compass, compel, compensate, compete, compile, complain, complement, complete, complex, compliment, comply, compose, comprehend, compress, compute, concede, conceal, concentrate, concept, concern, concert, concession, conclude, concrete, concur, condition, conduct, confer, confess, confide, confirm, conflict, conform, confront, confuse, congratulate, congregate, connect, conquer, conscript, consent, conserve, consider, consist, console, consolidate, consonant, conspicuous, constant, construct, consult, consume, contact, contain, contemplate, contend, contest, context, continent, continue, contour, contract, contradict, contrary, contrast, contribute, control, convene, converge, conversation, convert, convey, convict, convince, cooperate, coordinate, correct, correspond, corridor, corrupt, cosmic, costume, cottage, council, counsel, countenance, counteract, country, courage, course, courtesy, covenant, coverlet, coward, cozy, cranium, crater, create, creature, credit, creed, creek, crescent, crevice, cricket, criminal, criteria, critical, critique, crocodile, crucial, crude, cruelty, crumble, crunch, crystal, cultivate, culture, curator, curious, currency, current, curriculum, curtain, cushion, custodian, customer, custom, cycle, cylinder, daily, dairy, damage, damask, dampen, dancer, danger, daring, dartboard, database, daughter, daunt, dawn, daycare, deadline, deadly, deafen, deal, dean, dearth, death, debate, debris, decade, deceit, decent, decide, decimal, declare, decline, decorate, decrease, decree, dedicate, deduct, deed, defend, defer, define, deflate, deform, deft, defunct, deity, delectable, delegate, delete, deliberate, delight, deliver, demand, demean, demerit, demise, demolish, demonstrate, demote, denounce, dense, dental, depart, depend, depict, deplete, deport, deposit, deprive, derive, describe, deserve, design, desire, despair, desperate, despise, destiny, destroy, detach, detail, detect, deteriorate, determine, develop, deviate, device, devote, diagnose, diagram, dial, dialect, diameter, diamond, diaphanous, diary, dictate, diet, differ, difficult, dignity, dilemma, diligent, dilute, dimension, diminish, dinette, dine, dinosaur, dioxide, diploma, dire, direct, dirt, disable, disappear, disband, discard, discern, discharge, discipline, disclose, discomfort, disconnect, discontinue, discover, discriminate, discuss, disease, disguise, dish, disillusion, disinfect, disjoint, dislocate, dismiss, disorder, display, displease, dispose, dispute, dissect, dissident, dissolve, distance, distinct, distinguish, distort, distract, distress, distribute, disturb, diverse, divide, divorce, divulge, dizzy, doctor, doctrine, document, dodge, dogma, domain, domestic, dominate, donate, donkey, doodle, dormant, dose, double, doubt, download, downtown,

The Ultimate Technomancer

The Ultimate Technomancer

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn

Replied to Wesh2003


Nice! Thanks for the chapter!

Within mere moments, all the Shikigami were reduced to dust and shadows as the Subjugation Ritual came to an end.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man.

Anime & Comics · HeliosTheDepressed


Este libro ha sido eliminado.

Thanks for the chapter!

A/N: just learned how to utilise the bold font. Did I do a great job? Anyway, I will post two chapters tomorrow and I will warn you heavily that one of them will be heavily 18+. Not sex though, I can assure you that. I have been reading a manga called 'Out'. It's twisted, and I borrowed some of the idea to implement in this fanfic.

Transmigrate In The Novel Extra

Transmigrate In The Novel Extra

Anime & Comics · I_d0nt_kn0w

Replied to I_d0nt_kn0w


Wow.... What a suprise... I certainly didn't predict that at all... Focus Tachibana. I then put my thumb on my lower lip mimicking the greatest detective ever

Transmigrate In The Novel Extra

Transmigrate In The Novel Extra

Anime & Comics · I_d0nt_kn0w


Thanks for the chapter!

And the ball cut the air as it soon lunged itself into the net despite the goalkeeper's attempts to block it.

Blue Lock: Talent System

Blue Lock: Talent System

Anime & Comics · Justice_Of_Love

Replied to Kqro

Didn’t know this, thanks for the explanation!

Goo kidnapped Taejin because he was sent by Charles choi (Basicaly the final boss) to retrieve the Red paper (His weakness), so they kidnapped Taejin and placed him in that arena were he will need to constantly fight or die (I think.) gaining a massive amount of strenght, after a year Taejin was able to get some free time because he lied saying that he knew were the red paper was, thus gaining the opportunity to visit chengliang, there he and Vin fought for the cheonglian head seat.

Lookism [Masterpiece]

Lookism [Masterpiece]

Anime & Comics · Kqro


Thanks for the chapter!

A.N. Hello there. Long time no see. Sorry it was so long since the last update, but I was just unlucky and got patrol and guard duty on weekends, so I couldn't go home for a whole month. Hopefully, my luck will turn around, and I will be able to write and post more often. Well that all for now, see you.

Will of embers

Will of embers

Anime & Comics · Ironwolf852


Thanks for the chapter!

Eventually I started making explosion tags and stuffing them into my storage seal. I tweaked them abit and made a seal for flashbangs. After that timed explosion seals. It was exciting. I finally found my talent in this world. I'll be the best seals master in history.

Naruto: Sealing Monarch

Naruto: Sealing Monarch

Anime & Comics · Ash_D_Born


I can understand this pov, having someone claim to be as good as you at something without them actively trying to get better could be frustrating, not to mention you’ve known them for as long you could remember and they act like a danm leech

'You've always looked down on me, ever since we were little. No matter how hard I worked to get to the top, you always acted like I needed help, always thought I couldn't handle anything by myself, always mocked me "One day I'll be just as strong as you Kachan!". You were quirkless, useless in a fight, I was on the top. And after constant practicing, after training till I dropped day in and day out to get to that spot, you, a scrawny nobody who hadn't put a day into training, hadn't gone to the gym even once, acted as though I was still on your level. At the very bottom. And no matter how many times I pushed you down to prove that all my effort had paid off, you continued to come back.'

Rain of Sins

Rain of Sins

Anime & Comics · Z75


Thanks for the chapters!

With the loot sorted, the party progressed further into the dungeon. 

System Breaker of the Shinobi World

System Breaker of the Shinobi World

Anime & Comics · JSK_Wilson


Thanks for the chapters!


Without caring about them Jiang Chen arrives first on the Mystery Island.

Reincarnated in Super Gene World

Reincarnated in Super Gene World

Anime & Comics · Hell_Dragon_Azavok



I like torturing characters. What about you? ALSO STONES!

Naruto: My Shadow World

Naruto: My Shadow World

Anime & Comics · J_Titan

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