shiningstarSy_05 - Profile



female LV 4
2021-03-10 Se unió India

Insignias 19

Moments 101



Wei curiously looked at her. Lihua turned and faced the Old Madam. "I don't want Jiang Wei to be separated from his family because of me. But at the same time, I understand your displeasure too. You already chose a woman for him and now I am suddenly standing here as his wife. So I will prove that I am just a good choice for him as his ex-fiance. Six months. If I could win everybody's hearts in this family in six months, you will have to accept me as his wife."

The Mafia King's First Love

The Mafia King's First Love

Urban · enthu_reader


it gives me Avatar vibes


"His body summoned the souls of all the previous rulers of Ixoviya!" Canton said in a breathy voice. He started walking backwards. 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK



Higgins was feeling excruciating pain. His left eye was injured and had swollen. He could only see with his right eye and that too had fogged vision. "You can do whatever you like, you little bitch! But the fact remains that you lost your father, haha, and you lost those precious years of life." He cackled. 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


and now Daryn has all he needs to fight Mother dearest


"My liege, you are a Lykae from your father's side and now you have awakened the sorcery in you. The combination is lethal. You were able to separate your body from your spirit. This is very dark magic and one, which is banned in the Lore. It is used to fight dead." 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK



An hour later a white light emerged from the center of his forehead and it hovered there in the form of a circle. Perhaps he didn't know about it because he stayed absolutely calm, his eyes closed and his shoulders straight. Suddenly he started chanting words that were never heard of, neither they were of the local dialect of Ixoviya, nor the local language he spoke. The words were of ancient dialect, one Canton had heard long back when he was performing a ceremony for Sedora. At that time, Sedora had started chanting this language with her eyes pulled back in her head. She was praying the dark spirits for agelessness. Canton moved away from him and started at the sorcerer.

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK



She took a deep breath and when she looked at him, there was gloom in her eyes. She was looking at him but not noticing him. She lowered her face and closed her eyelids. "I have become a murderer, Daryn. In two days I have killed two women, only— only— to get you, to claim you back…" She pulled her head up towards the ceiling and grabbed the fistful of her hair on both the sides. She stared in distance as her mouth pressed in a thin line. "For us to stay together, for us to remain happy, because of Sedora's whims, I have taken the lives of women who I didn't even know existed so far." Tears escaped her eyes. "When Ileus said if anyone wanted to join him for hunting, it reminded me that I am also a hunter. I killed them in cold blood." Her hands covered her face and she sobbed. "I don't think God would ever forgive me." She let out a whimper and tried to say a prayer in her mind, but words left her. She suffered with remorse. 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK

Replied to Heather_Weaver

aima= blood

"Dawn, there is no way we can kill them," Brenda murmured. "The claws on their wings are poisonous and so is their aíma. One touch and we are dead!" 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


and i remember it was the time Anastasia fought with winged demons and with the help of mandarin she time travelled somehow


"I am sorry…" Dawn said as she rubbed her thumb over his hand softly. All three of them stood there holding each other's hand, feeling that void in their hearts without their mates. Ironically all of them were chasing the odds to be with their mates.

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


why do i feel that Pia is going to be killed today🤣


Before any other contestant could say no, Pia shouted from behind, "I agree!" 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


but what about her human boyfriend...was it a ploy to gain trust from Daryn n Dawn and then stab them later...i hate Sedora for it


"And the sixth contestant for the tournament is none other than the Lykae doctor, Brenda!" came Sedora's chilling announcement. 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


this reminds of Jacob imprinting on Renesme in Twilight breaking Dawn

Brantley poured water for her in a glass and said, "Trust me Dawn, I can be. You don't know how much I am dying to see that little baby. Would you believe if I tell you that I feel strongly connected with her even as I am here and she is yet to take birth?" 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


that explains everything

"Sedora knows that you are carrying my mate and that child will bring her doom. When I came to know that she was after you, I offered her a deal, in which I was ready to give a part of my kingdom to her in exchange for your safety. But she declined. She laughed at me saying that she would have it anyways after she killed you, which in turn meant that I would wither away also. Her plan is to attack my kingdom and seize it once I am dead." 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


be a good mother in law for your son in law Brantley🤭🤭🤭

Brantley continued. "It was very important that you carry the Stone of Solaris. I had to make sure." Then his voice was an octave lower, "I couldn't take a chance Dawn. The stone was lost and only you could find it. I know that you must have thought that I gave you such a difficult time, but if you would focus, you actually got to that place faster than you had imagined, faster than any of us. Why? Because it was all destined. Because you had to carry my mate." He went and knelt in front of her. He held her wrists and said, "Look at me dawn. If I would have told you what you were into, then I highly doubt that you would have ever gone to find the stone, because you two were content just being each other's mates." He looked at her tummy. "I am sorry to force you into it, but it was paramount." He looked at her face. "Don't hate me for it Dawn… please…" 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK


so he knew that Daryn won't let Dawn go for the search of stone of he created that situation for them to be blessed by it...that's really interesting

"After the dragon egg hatched and we came to know that the dragon had chosen you as his rider, I made Arawn watch over you like a hawk through all your years at Yorkshire. And you cannot imagine how pleased I was when I came to know that you were a neotide. That was an unnatural thing. And more unusual than that was the fact that Daryn had marked you as his mate—a pureblood and a neotide. After that everything was carefully planned. When you came to Ulfric for the wedding, it was important for me that you find the Stone of Solaris because that stone meant fertility. It was necessary for you to absorb the energy of the blessed stone so that you gave birth to my mate." 

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK

Replied to hasvu


For Dawn, the world stopped. There was stunned silence. She was carrying Brantley's mate? There was a knot in her chest that reached to her core. So this man was always protecting her?

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

The Silver Crescent Alpha Prince

Fantasy · MishaK

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