Radulf, who had prepared for the worst, felt his breath hitch. 'This... this isn't normal.' The ability to command a wolf with just a gaze was a trait only Alphas possessed. And yet, Melissa, who was an omega, had done it so easily.
Fantasy · Light_ray
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza
Going by himself wasn't an option, so taking Nina with him would make the others see it as a formal date. At least, he would enjoy as Leon for sometime.
Fantasy · Light_ray
A twist?!?
"The question is why you seem to be protective of Radulf. Why does it feel like you know the truth, Alfred?" he murmured and furrowed his brows together.
Fantasy · Light_ray
"Forgive me if I sounded that way. I don't carry any grudge against Radulf. I am only concerned about the Alpha King's safety," Tristan stated.
Fantasy · Light_ray
Who is this new guy!! How bold!! And persistent!
"I get that. However, there's a strong possibility that Radulf might have stopped doing so not to get into suspicion. We can't trust a traitor's son, Commander Alfred," Tristan remarked.
Fantasy · Light_ray
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
"I would be happy if Melissa makes another bestfriend," Gregor said with a smile.
Fantasy · Light_ray
Story is soooo good!
The Alpha's Forsaken Feisty Mate
Fantasy · Light_ray