Why do I feel that Hadix will make our poor Krevix fight instead of him.
"Very well, elf, if you are so eager for further humiliation, then I will not deny you," Vizier Hadix said haughtily. "I shall not ask anything of you, as I doubt a mage as pathetic as yourself has anything I would want."
Video Games · NeverluckySMILE
Just walk away. Zombies bodies will start to decomposition even if we use the more realistic sort of situation such as the wasting disease. This will make it very easy to avoid zombies and due to the fact I already don't live near people and am on an island... As long as no zombie ships or planes crash I should be good.
Followed by my pistols, when my rifle was empty.
Movies · EnablingBarley
I support Malzahar Orion. Crazy people are fun.
"Orion, who disrupted the balance- and continues to do so- must be killed." Mayyam's voice was cold and unyielding. "If Faey accomplishes this, atoning for her past mistake, she will take up the mantle of the Fist of Shadow."
Video Games · Drunken_Sailor822
Thanks for the chapter.
Damn he shot that poor lizard a lot. what 500-1000 plasma bolts... I think the Lizard might just be ash. Or is he using a slugthrower (Star wars name for balistic weopons such as shotguns, real life rifles basically guns that shoot solid projectiles).
Followed by my pistols, when my rifle was empty.
Movies · EnablingBarley
Me to. I just cone back to webnovel every month or two to check my stockpile of chapters.
Good luck in life. I personally didn't think the story was too bad when it was focused on the warframe universe. It fealt a lot different when he was mostly in other worlds (not a bad thing it just fealt like the warframe universe was forgotten at times) also I would've loved to see his progress within the Grineer(?). But all in all. This was a good story. I wish you the best of luck in life and will forever hope for a rewrite.
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Days of Progress
Others · VonLeporace
Or do you guys think I should say fuck it all, no Love interests, focus on the grind
Arcane: I have Plasmids F*** YEAAAAAAH!!!
Video Games · raynei_achilles