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LV 14
2021-02-16 Se unió Global

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Replied to Harry_6224

In UK a comma is used to break up the number and not to replace a zero.

As he forged on his scarabs became more numerous as he made his production line where it was capable of making full use of the molten necroderumis was forced by anti-gravity holders into a new construction. With it being a tomb spider a thing meant to build Tomb worlds and maintain them using this and his new construction skill set he made new plans of a fortress and expanding his forces as 1 became 2 became 4 and so on till an astonishing 20,00 tomb spiders where working away. With himself going over plans and technology in his to create a reliable cloaking field to hide his stronghold. 

Merc in the universe

Merc in the universe

Video Games · Harry_6224


Only add the game or info from it, if you know the game and it's lore. Otherwise it would be best to avoid it.

2. I know that its not canon but would u like it if i would add Shadow of Mordor/War lore to the story? Let me know in the comments

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos


Armour cool and steel isn't the strongest material in LOTR. Also, armour is better than no armour. More protection less likely to die to random things.

"I am now roughly estimated to be three times as fast and strong as before I devoured Smaug's heart. Unfortunately, I can't breathe fire, but my skin is harder than any steel armor. That's good. So, I don't have to forge armor anymore."

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos


I wonder what powerful creatures are highly greedy.


"Narzug," said Morgash in a voice vibrating with wisdom and power, "the power of the shamans is deeply rooted in the world of emotions. Once your source is fully saturated, you must learn to absorb the hole core of emotions from powerful creatures. Just as I once devoured the power of a Cave Troll and thereby gained its physical strength, you too must find powerful creatures and absorb their core. But choose these creatures wisely. Eventually, the body reaches its limits, and you can only devour a limited number of creatures."

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos


Narzug must have been the greatest smith before the soul merge thingy. My orc be a machine. Equipping 2500 orcs... What a monstrous smith.

After a week of hard work, the forge was filled with weapons and armor. Narzug looked at his work with pride. He had created enough equipment to arm an army of 2,500 orcs. Now it was time to mobilize his warriors and prepare them for the impending war.

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos


Hmm, maybe Legolas will return the favour in the future, ir tell Gandalf. which might lead to the ring being destroyed and the firts friendly ish relationship between all races.

Legolas breathed heavily and leaned against a tree. Tauriel watched the darkness where Narzug had disappeared with concern. In her mind, the Orc had narrowly won, but he had been unable to kill Legolas because she had appeared. Legolas thought differently. At that decisive moment, he had already resigned himself to his fate; he knew the Orc could have killed him and then fled. But then something else had appeared in the Orc's eyes besides rage and greed—it was a mix of recognition, kindness, and hesitation. Not something one would expect from an Orc. This moment stayed in Legolas' mind, and he wondered and pondered much about this Orc.

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos

Replied to Geisterlos

I just realised the ring is making him loose ghe positive aspects that he took from greed. As a human he was greedy and jealous of the wealth the rich had so he would work hard to earn it using his greed as motivation. And then when he came to this world he had a passion for blacksmithing and crafting. So when he made his axe he likely fealt pride in his work (which might have caused the axe to now have pride). But with his armour he is too greedy to put in the effort of obtaining it and would rather use illusions to make it seem ss if he had it (like how the illusions turned the water to hold). Basically he has lost his passion die to greed.

The armor was apparently made of a black, shiny metal reminiscent of obsidian-like materials. The surface is adorned with fine, artistic engravings in the Black Speech of Mordor, which run like serpentine lines across the plates. The most striking features were the pointed shoulder pieces and the prominent breastplate, which emphasized Narzug's muscular body. The armor was designed to be both massive and flexible, providing the wearer with both protection and freedom of movement—at least it would if it ever ceased to be merely an illusion. The design appeared both menacing and majestic, with a touch of darkness that perfectly matched Narzug's glowing, menacing eyes.

LOTR: I'm an Orc

LOTR: I'm an Orc

Movies · Geisterlos



Of course, a bath or even simple running water was naught but a wet dream for the current me...heh...

Danmachi - Depthless Hunger

Danmachi - Depthless Hunger

Anime & Comics · FangYuan1234

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