poisonous08 - Profile


male LV 4

I like summoning story's

2021-02-09 Se unió Philippines

Insignias 10

Moments 284


Future godzilla check ✅️


I eventually made my choice, so under the watchful eyes of Mr.Mime, I approached the Raw Power Larvitar and sat down in front of him. I asked Larvitar if he was interested in leaving with me, and he agreed to do so after a short deliberation. 'Perfect,' Mr.Mime suddenly piped up, and from Larvitar's startled reaction, he had been added to the telepathic channel. 'Let me just tell Tyranitar that Larvitar here is leaving with us,' he said before rushing off.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


That what I was saying with that move she would be worthy of carrying the name of Mothra the Queen of Monster's


Still, considering this situation, I could not help but think back to Bronzong using Imprison against Enji/Arcanine, and I kinda regretted not thinking of that move before since it had the potential to become a super unholy move under Mothra considering the sheer number of moves Mothra knew as of this moment, not to mention the ones she would probably still learn in the future. As for whether she could learn the move or not, there was no shred of doubt in my heart that Mothra would be able the move, so I made a mental note to have her learn it before focusing back on the matter at hand.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Our innocent glutton is so cute right now


He gave me a proud look once he had finished the bottle, and I patted him on his head to show him he did well. Munchlax beamed at me when I did that before handing me the empty bottle and asking for another one. I gave him the third bottle after putting the empty one away, and this time Munchlax took off the teat by himself with a triumphant expression. I patted his head and praised him since he managed to do it without spilling any milk.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Yup that's a baby munchlax


Munchlax perked up after getting a whiff of the snack and held up his hands towards the snack. He immediately threw it inside his mouth after I gave it to him, and from his happy look he seemed to like the taste. He gulped it down after chewing it a few times, and as soon as it went down his gullet, Munchlax turned his head in my direction before stretching his arms out once more and asking for more snacks.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Our future baby Munchlax will have a role model as soon a their born


In the end, it took over an hour to receive/eat everything and at the end when I called over Vivi after cleaning up the last dish she just asked me "Where did all that food go?" full of disbelief. I knew my actions had attracted some attention from other guests, though I was sure that none stayed as long as I did, and I heard some of them say things like "How is he not the size of a Snorlax", or "Is he the reincarnation of a Munchlax", or "How is he still thin if he eats like that".

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


I can't wait for the spectators reactions knowing all most all our MC Dark gold pokemon have a gene modification that alters their appearance

"I don't mind," I acceded to her demand. "What exactly does this proof of competence entail?" I followed up. "Demonstrating that you have at least three stage 5 Pokemon in your team is enough," she declared and I nodded in understanding. "no problem. I can do that," I assured her before calling out Mothra/Butterfree, Horus/Xatu, and Stan/Gyarados.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Future black hole get


I first did a proper check-up and from what I could see the egg was in good condition. While I was touching and eyeing the egg, the emcee told me that the egg was supposed to hatch within a month or two, which was not ideal since it gave me less time to help raise its potential while it had yet to hatch, but it was still better than nothing. Besides I could understand why they chose to offer an egg that was close to hatching. It was simply to make it easier for the winner since not everyone liked or wanted to care for an egg for half a year or more.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Yes Crystal Onix


Afterward, we went our separate ways and I went to the onboard restaurant for lunch. I was going to watch the other semi-final battle while eating. On the way there I made a mental note to visit Sunburst Island after I was done in Hoenn. Not only could I try to get my hands on that Carbink, but I could also spend some time there trying to find the Crystal Onix if it did exist that is.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Well they just sealed their faith


"Sand Burial, Gaara finish it," Gaara let out an excited roar as he stomped his foot again, but this time the earth did not begin to quake. No, it was the sand inside the Sand Tomb that began to churn before it started to rise up and surround Azumarill, who had started to shoot out its Hydro Pump. Azumaril changed its target and tried to keep the sand at bay, but unfortunately for it, that was not the only sand that surged over to cover it.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


I can see it now our MC genetically modifying the berries making those how eat the being different colors and our MC pokemon having a field day with them causing chaos with them 😹😹

The reason I was so interested in the Pinkan Berries was not that I suddenly wanted to turn my Pokemon pink, but because of an idea I had. While the pink variation caused by the Pinkan Berries was just a "cosmetic" change, I knew for a fact that there were Shiny Pokemon whose "shiny coloration" was pink, so I could not help but wonder if the Pinkan Berries could be used to actually trigger a Shiny variation in those specific species.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Their really betting against the child of fortune good luck to them


While certainly amusing, it was unlikely that Magikarp could reach those exaggerated numbers as a Gyarados, at least not with his current size multiplier, but that did not stop the "kids" from putting their estimations down on the bet set up by Seb/Nidoking and Nyx/Umbreon. They set up the rule that unless someone guessed the exact length, whoever was within 5 meters of the correct length would win the bet.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Our MC has added a Giant magikarp to his army and Stan and the others just got a big little brother


I was happy to note that Magikarp's potential was quite decent since he would pretty much already be at the finish line of the Gyarados in the worst-case scenario once he went through the Utopia treatment. Not to mention that he seemed to have an alternate ability seeing how Rattled had been replaced by Pressure, though considering that he was not acknowledged as an ability variant in the modifier section, it was clear that the talent was related to his giant gene instead.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


I can see our MC getting an Anorith in the future and Kijin getting promised to get the future children of this Anorith

Naturally, all this was just my assumption/conjecture, and even if through some miracle I was right in my belief, I would need another miracle to ensure that the Anorith fossil was a fossil that underwent such a "rapid fossilization" process, so the odds were undoubtedly stacked against me. Regardless, the Anorith fossil was certainly interesting enough for me to immediately register for the fishing contest.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Ace is really just us right now watching the drama unfold


However, as things stood, the whole situation provided him with an amusing show to watch and Ace loved his private rom-com too much to jeopardize it. Still, amusement factor aside, Ace had long decided to give Mikail a wake-up slap if he did not deal with the girl issue by the time he turned 18. As Mikail's good friend Ace saw it as his holy duty to help him realize his folly before it was too late. Nonetheless, until then he would sit back and enjoy the show.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


I can see our MC will have a variant army in the next 5 years or so...but knowing him I will not be surprised if in the end of the hoenne year he'll already has the variant army

Samuel could easily say that despite the work that Junior Professor Geo was causing him, he was looking forward to the young man's future, and he could not wait to see how far he would be able to go as both a trainer and a researcher.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

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