Lao Ge e Shisui:
There was no need to run or play tricks, at this point, their battle was no longer physical or with elements, but on a spiritual level. Lao Ge was also walking towards Shisui, holding a dagger that appeared to be made of iron.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
O magro respondeu. Ele tinha cerca de 1,83 metros de altura. Por ser muito magro, parecia um poste. Ele era chamado de Brasil, porque amava assistir a seleção brasileira jogar futebol e sempre usava a camisa deles.
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39: Blind Bandit Gang.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
"They told him, 'If you don't drink, you have no balls,' and so he accepted," Zuko punctuated, causing Azula to sigh in exasperation.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
He's crazy, and he's also a power freak
Look at those brats who still wear stinking skins! Taking advantage of what the Fire Nation was capable of, and Sage Shisui just wanted to make ice cream out of those special peaches? Damn it!
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
Ty Lee:
Although Ty Lee's tone seemed reproachful, her cheeky grin and the way she looked at her friends indicated that she was having a good time. On the other hand, the unsuspecting and innocent Katara looked at the snow and saw that it was indeed made of snow.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
"Shisui! Are there hotels at the South Pole?" Ty Lee asked Katara.
Anime & Comics · Sir_Traverse
See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza
One energy cube to win over a Ralts? What a deal! Hikaru thought, chuckling to himself.
Pokémon: Starting with a Bound Entry System
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