Webnovel Author: Not_Yujiro_Hanma - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1
2021-01-20 Se unió United Kingdom

Insignias 1

Moments 55

Replied to holosagewolf32

I mean, any Grey Jedi, honestly. But he has the potential to become like Revan, sure. But without a Mandalorian war to fight in, it'll take a bit longer lol.

'It's currently 1993, which means I have fifteen years until canon starts. Going off of logic, I probably have similar talent to Anakin - the wish did say ''unmatched affinity'' which is pretty much what Anakin had. So, I get to train from a younger age and for two years longer than Anakin had,' I put a hand on my chin, scratching at it as I thought, 'Plus, I have access to Grey Jedi teachings. I won't be learning one side of the Force while shunning the other - I'll be a lot like Mace Windu in that sense.'

MCU: Grey Jedi

MCU: Grey Jedi

Movies · Not_Yujiro_Hanma

Replied to 1Primo

So, I can't just sum up your entire personality through a few comments online? Wow. Well, I thought it was okay since you're doing a similar thing to me. How so? I misinterpreted one thing, and apparently that makes me some sort of mouth-breather who doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. What gives you the right to call me dumb over one thing while I can't call you a stuck-up prick over another thing? It's hypocrisy. So, not only are you a bit of a conceited arse but you're also a hypocrite. Not a good combo, is it? Also, I'm not saying you're taking it personally because you're calling me dumb, a moron or ignorant - I'm saying you're taking it personally because you're continuing to reply to me. If you're truly in the right, stop replying. I'm only continuing to reply because this is a thread on MY comment. Why else would you be replying if not because you're taking this whole thing a little too personally?

"Then would you want to try and die? Can you imagine that unending terror? I lived through three movies. The first one was 'Nightmare on Elm Street 1'. There were 15 newbies in that movie, and two experienced survivors. But do you want to know the ending? They all died in their dreams. Another person and I were the only ones that survived. Do you want to know how it feels to get killed by a stupid dream? Imagine everything around you becomes slithering rotten meat. You watch as a pair of scissors slowly cut through every bit of your body in a gruesome factory. Can you imagine the pain? You piece of shit! Do you want to die?"

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Rick_Morty_1863

I'm not sure on what I want the pairings to be, so who knows.

ch 0 1 New Life, The Force and The Perks of Being Rich

MCU: Grey Jedi

MCU: Grey Jedi

Movies · Not_Yujiro_Hanma

Replied to 1Primo

Someone unironically calling someone a peasant...Imagine being such a stuck-up prick. Must really suck to have a superiority complex and have that be the majority of your personality lmao. And yet, despite allegedly giving me more time than I deserve, you still give me more and more of your time. Like I said prior, you're obviously taking this very personally. Why? I have no clue. All I said is that 'Nightmare on Elm Street' wouldn't be much of a hard movie to beat and all you've done since replying to my comment is demean me and my intelligence. I wasn't the one who started flinging insults first, 'pal'. That was you.


"Then would you want to try and die? Can you imagine that unending terror? I lived through three movies. The first one was 'Nightmare on Elm Street 1'. There were 15 newbies in that movie, and two experienced survivors. But do you want to know the ending? They all died in their dreams. Another person and I were the only ones that survived. Do you want to know how it feels to get killed by a stupid dream? Imagine everything around you becomes slithering rotten meat. You watch as a pair of scissors slowly cut through every bit of your body in a gruesome factory. Can you imagine the pain? You piece of shit! Do you want to die?"

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to 1Primo

When all you can do is demean the other party...you've practically already lost the argument. Your only logical argument was that 'knowing and doing are two different thing'. When I refuted that, you didn't reply to deny my rebuttal but instead just insulted my intelligence. Well done, you've played yourself.


"Then would you want to try and die? Can you imagine that unending terror? I lived through three movies. The first one was 'Nightmare on Elm Street 1'. There were 15 newbies in that movie, and two experienced survivors. But do you want to know the ending? They all died in their dreams. Another person and I were the only ones that survived. Do you want to know how it feels to get killed by a stupid dream? Imagine everything around you becomes slithering rotten meat. You watch as a pair of scissors slowly cut through every bit of your body in a gruesome factory. Can you imagine the pain? You piece of shit! Do you want to die?"

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to 1Primo

'I hOpe yOu COmE bACk' I'm not even gonna remember this comment or your replies in a few weeks, you narcissistic twat. This little bit of disagreement is like a speck of dust in the vast world, so why would I bother to remember it? Let alone remember you. Honestly, I'd already forcibly forgotten the comment because it doesn't mean that much to me personally. Unlike you, who is taking this all very personally lmao.

"Then would you want to try and die? Can you imagine that unending terror? I lived through three movies. The first one was 'Nightmare on Elm Street 1'. There were 15 newbies in that movie, and two experienced survivors. But do you want to know the ending? They all died in their dreams. Another person and I were the only ones that survived. Do you want to know how it feels to get killed by a stupid dream? Imagine everything around you becomes slithering rotten meat. You watch as a pair of scissors slowly cut through every bit of your body in a gruesome factory. Can you imagine the pain? You piece of shit! Do you want to die?"

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to 1Primo

No, no they're not. You know how to walk and breath, right? That's why you can walk and breath. The lame excuse of 'knowing and doing are two different things' is so goddamn old. Not to mention completely stupid lmao. Going along with that logic, why do we go to school, college and university? If knowing and doing are two different things, why bother with learning things? So instead of getting your degree you should be put straight into a nuclear power plant to run it because learning how to run it is useless because knowing and doing are two different things after all. See? It doesn't make sense and is a faulty argument.

"Then would you want to try and die? Can you imagine that unending terror? I lived through three movies. The first one was 'Nightmare on Elm Street 1'. There were 15 newbies in that movie, and two experienced survivors. But do you want to know the ending? They all died in their dreams. Another person and I were the only ones that survived. Do you want to know how it feels to get killed by a stupid dream? Imagine everything around you becomes slithering rotten meat. You watch as a pair of scissors slowly cut through every bit of your body in a gruesome factory. Can you imagine the pain? You piece of shit! Do you want to die?"

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Terror Infinity: Accidental Player

Book&Literature · Player_Tenason

Replied to Daoist400146

Did you not read the first chapter where I said 'T-Virus'? That's what he has. He has multiple Viruses from the Resident Evil franchise. I even mentioned the 'G-Virus' from Resident Evil. Thought it was obvious what type of powers he had. The claws are just a mutation from the unique Virus inside of him. Plus, the Blacklight Virus in DC has been done a few times already so I'd rather not re-hash that same idea, honestly.

Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
Dropped: Bruh Edition

Dropped: Bruh Edition

Others · Not_Yujiro_Hanma

Replied to BAD_MAN

No. The claws are a mutation in the same way a Tyrant (Resident Evil) has claws due to it's mutation. He can't absorb DNA either because that's not what the T-Virus does.

Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
Dropped: Bruh Edition

Dropped: Bruh Edition

Others · Not_Yujiro_Hanma

Replied to Solomon_Goetia

I have no idea what that is or what you mean, honestly. Any chance I can get some clarification on what you mean?

Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
Dropped: Bruh Edition

Dropped: Bruh Edition

Others · Not_Yujiro_Hanma

Replied to Sir_LanceLopes

Bruh. Read the tags and the synopsis. You were warned not to read if you didn't wanna see harem lmao.

Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
Dropped: Bruh Edition

Dropped: Bruh Edition

Others · Not_Yujiro_Hanma

Replied to Lord_Virus_9854

I mean, you're free to make that fanfic if you want, I'm not gonna stop you, mate. The MC isn't gonna be like Albert Wesker despite having a similar appearance either, so that fanfic still has a slot open if you wanna do it.

Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
Dropped: Bruh Edition

Dropped: Bruh Edition

Others · Not_Yujiro_Hanma

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