Webnovel Author: WarriorWolf - Novel Collection



LV 3

I like reading......a lot

2021-01-01 Se unió United Kingdom

Insignias 6

Moments 3152

Replied to Scorp_Claw


After trying to think of a good name for a long time and not coming up with anything, I just gave up and decided to call it Cafe Credits or CC for short. Not very creative, I know, but I never really was good at coming up with names. I have also decided to give a free gift of 100 coins to everyone who enters for the first time.

God's Cafe

God's Cafe

Anime & Comics · Chaostic

Replied to Chaostic

Or this


This won't stand at all, I think, and make the surroundings look like the alps. In the far distance, there are giant mountains with snowy tips. The cold feeling is offset by plenty of green grass and sparse patches of trees. Right next to the upcoming cafe, I create a small lake for future fishing competitions. (Image in comments)

God's Cafe

God's Cafe

Anime & Comics · Chaostic

Replied to

I imagined it more like this


This won't stand at all, I think, and make the surroundings look like the alps. In the far distance, there are giant mountains with snowy tips. The cold feeling is offset by plenty of green grass and sparse patches of trees. Right next to the upcoming cafe, I create a small lake for future fishing competitions. (Image in comments)

God's Cafe

God's Cafe

Anime & Comics · Chaostic

Replied to NLinCH

If something is unbound then isn’t it just ‘unbound’ at the current moment… Maybe there will be a skill called binding… I suppose you could also bind someone without physically binding them…that would be a way to do it…


(Malevolence Tether): Your own will and HellSlaying power made real. With Your Malevolence Tether, you can bind and restrain even the worst of Demons, and Tame the Hound of the HellSlayer. Your hate and anger towards all Demons ignites the tether, bringing it to a level of heat that rivals HellFire and gives your subjects two options. Submit or die. (Tether power scales off Strength and WillPower Stats.)

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_

Replied to Ysoltea


And so time went on, until the time for exams came. For Gryffindor, the past month and a half have been unfortunate. Harry and Ron managed to lose more than 200 points in a week, getting involved in the story with the Hagrid's dragon and pursuing Professor Snape. That's who has nothing to do! I honestly don't understand at all how Harry could defeat Voldemort? There is crazy luck! Absurdity, Power of Love, and "This is magic, Harry"! But I don't give a damn about this Potter.

Harry Potter: New World

Harry Potter: New World

Movies · HPMan


Imagine if this wasn’t the case and you just ripped up a magic scroll…


Ursula shook her head in disappointment, "All that damn reading....for what? It's simple, Claude. Spellbreak....?? Spell....Break??" She said, completing the motions of breaking something with her two hands.

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


I love your battles…


ch 338 CHPT 338: Pack Sync, Dead Disconnect..

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_

Replied to Septic_sorcerer


Speaking of himself, in his previous life, his name was Yan Long, and he was 21 when he went to bed.

Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Horror · lumydee


I feel you claude…i know if I lived in a world where you raided tangents for a living i wouldn’t be able to go in one with friends because i would pretty much do everything in order for them to not get hurt, while it being the opposite with anyone else… There is also an owl outside…


"Yea, and we have an objective...just in case you've forgotten it's to beat the shit out of that thing!" She huffed before inhaling deeply and continuing in a voice closer to her normal tone even though the change was on her almost as much as him, "Listen, I understand you feel guilt and responsibility over us all.....it's natural and respectable. But don't forget we're a team, we have roles that we need to play within. Look at them.."

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


….some sort of demonisation…? Like hellbred but not…

"No, goofball. By turning on the creatures within, they seem to be growing stronger as a singular threat. Especially Magical Existences-- think Elves for example...imagine all their vast magical power poured into one all-powerful Elf. Luckily, there hasn't been studies of any Elven Bosses going rogue like that....but it seems like the studies grow more expansive every year. I'll have to read up more on it-- but for now, it seem's like Deviant Bosses are real...."

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


Could this be that skin walker..? Or it could just be Frankenstein’s monster…


The stitches were black.....greasy. He could've thrown up....the stitches were made from Ghoul hair. And it's extra appendages were made from Ghoul arms.

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


Could be a blood starved I suppose…

"[Ah. The old Ghoul in the ceiling trick. It often works even better than the Ghoul in the pond. I've got to say, I don't miss the musty buggers. They seem to jam themselves in every crevice they can in these places.]"

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


Vamp…tho I imagine a vamp to not like old blood… Some sort of giant mosquito that chops into heads with an axe…?


The cave floor was covered in Ghoul blood, blood that also dripped from the ceiling like they were walking under a hundred poorly made faucets.

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


Spiders…that is the mother thing that comes to mind with caves along with basically and insects if you ramp up the size to 11…


Before he could respond as they continued to walk, a droplet hit his hand. It was warm, and coincidentally, the trademark smell of Undead suddenly hit his nose that much harder.

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


Well there’s definitely something dangerous inside… Ussually when I think wolves (friends) bears, tigers(/big cats) and dinosaurs…


A cave. It's entrance loomed over them like a giant's opened jaws wishing for them to enter and be consumed into it's stony and sulfurous depths.

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_



The Ghoul's removed head dropped to the floor with a wet thud as it's body writhed and shook like a recently decapitated chicken. A sight made worse by the fact that it had no arms.

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


Was shlt or is shlty..?


"Oh!...Shit....yea the Boss is definitely this way." Ursula announced from behind Claude.

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_


Love the little rhyme…👍


CHPT 336: Left to Fester in the Cave, Their Flesh and Bone will not be Saved....

Beasts: Reborn

Beasts: Reborn

Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_

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