Webnovel Author: Kaguya_otsutsukii - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4
2020-12-08 Se unió United States

Insignias 6

Moments 1658


This is very very much unlike me

"It's been... some time since someone managed to excite me so much," Kaguya began, and got out of bed. "I am a goddess who has been imprisoned for many years, and now... I can't remember the last time I was treated like... a woman."

Naruto: The Lustful Goddess Wants a Harem

Naruto: The Lustful Goddess Wants a Harem

Anime & Comics · AB_NANI

Replied to RemoteRomance

Yes it is

As dead shot started to get his gear together he wasn't the only one who got a call about kitemans disappearance after accidentally getting his son killed Batman had been keeping tabs on him, so when he found out he was hired to Rob a young man he started to investigate first finding out who lived in the building that has moved in recently "a young man 16 years old name Chris Redfield moved into the building 3 days ago left his house 4 times since he moved in 1 time when he was robbed in an Arby's a second time to go buy a bike where he meets Alfred by coincidence a 3rd to go buy food and a 4th and final time just what seems to go on a bike ride" Batman thinks as he continues to watch him go about his ride around the city. Well reviewing the house he lives in he sees kiteman sitting on the roof watching the kid leave as soon as he is down the block kiteman jumps from the roof gliding with his kite towards the window which he shatters and jumps in but as soon as he gets halfway through the window a small explosion goes off "what is that" Batman says as he rewinds the video watching it again "is that what I think it is, how did a kid like him get his hands on anti entree explosives!" Batman wonders as he gets more serious, this could be more than I expected for someone who's dealing with kiteman. As Batman goes to leave the bat cave and gather the team he sees Chris coming back home opening the door but stopping reaching into his pocket and pulling out a gun, like a professional entering the apartment to go and see who entered. Heading out of the bat cave Batman calls a family meeting "everyone get in here now we have a situation "Bruce says after around 30 seconds everyone is in the room including Alfred "why have you called us here master Bruce" Alfred asks with a questioning look "I was about to start making lunch" "well Alfred we have a situation you guys remember kiteman right" Dameion laughs as he remembers the story's "that criminal who rides around on a kite" "yes that one Dameion" dick says as he stares at Bruce "so what happened to that guy" dick asks Bruce as he starts to wonder what kiteman could have done to warrant a family emergency "well it's not what he's done I had been keeping tabs on him after we accidentally got his son killed" as Bruce said that the room seemed to become heavy "he was running his kite shop when he got a call he then armed up in his kite costume and heads out to a young man by the name of Chris Redfield the issue is when he entered the house through the window like most of his crimes he was blown up by something I don't know what blew him up but I have an idea an EDD also known as a entree denial Device it is a Motion sensored device that blows up when moved through" "how did a young civilian get that much firepower" dick asks " I don't know but tonight we suit up and head into his house and ask.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii

Replied to RemoteRomance

Idk was kinda bored well writing

As Batman walks out of the warehouse a young police officer comes over to him "so what happened in there sir" Batman looks at the young man and says "nothing happened" as he walks toward Chris "so was it worth it" he asks as he pulls down Chris's mask. As Chris looks at Batman not speaking Batman walks away to discuss things with the police.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii

Replied to NoobMastar69


The creation of Naruto Uzumaki. The Second Strongest Shinobi to ever grace the Shinobi World.

A Sage Adrift (NarutoXMCU)

A Sage Adrift (NarutoXMCU)

Anime & Comics · IdleMuse0307

Replied to Dunkmasterjohn

What can I say bros a funny dude ig


"Wow, going in big, huh? Let's see, with the knowledge of 69 people, that's a lot of memories to take in, so I'll let you go through them like a file in your mind. You just will have to think about the name of the operator you want, and then you can access their memories and whatnot in your brain. Now, for the gear, that's a lot of guns and weapons, so how about this, I'll give you the ability to summon weapons out of any empty space like a box or pockets but the weapon summoned must fit within the thing your pulling it out of so nothing like a CSRX 300 out of a sock unless that sock is as big as the gun you see." says ROB. "Alright, let's send you on your way now. Abracadabra" and just like that, Chris was gone.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii

Replied to mutla_atalay

I was trying to show how he has little care for his life anymore putting little to no effort in his job

"On other news, Poison Ivy is finally in jail for terrorism, as last week she attacked the Department of Agriculture's head building in Gotham. But in some bad news, Bane has once again broken out of Arkham and has gone into hiding or something," the news caster says.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii


So martinis are just worse aeldari

'Honesty, the Martians are one of the best races as soldiers. Each one is Psychicly gifted, strong enough to lift hundreds of tons with ease. They have heat vision, just that they lack proper technology. 

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234



"It's simple really, I give you all the info you want about your owner, and in exchange you never make a deal that will require either Charlie's or Vaggie's souls for you to complete, and that should be easy enough for you to agree with after all right?" I say with a smile before my eyes began to glow a bloody crimson before my body started to turn into a pitch black mass of shadows that began to spead across the entire room as many eyes and sharp maws appeared and the walls, floor and furniture with my body having the most of them as my voice began to become deeper and much more malevolent.

Hazbin Hotel: Cain and Adam

Hazbin Hotel: Cain and Adam

TV · OneMoreScore

Replied to Wandering_dreamur

Naw haven’t played in almost a year until the other day I hopped in ranked with a friend and cooked the lobby

Once home, Chris did a couple of chores but inevitably went to his Xbox and got on Rainbow Six Siege. Thinking to himself, Chris wondered, "Man, how long has it been since I last played this game? Two months, maybe three? Huh, well, let's see how rusty I am," as he sent his friend an invite.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii

Replied to Kaguya_otsutsukii

Not debt protection fee

"Yo, kid, I'm sorry to hear about your parents, but you're two months late on your protection fee, and the Penguin isn't a man you want to keep waiting," the man said, trying to push the door open.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii

Replied to HereForGoodRead

No his parents died recently but not before his debt was due

"Yo, kid, I'm sorry to hear about your parents, but you're two months late on your protection fee, and the Penguin isn't a man you want to keep waiting," the man said, trying to push the door open.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii

Replied to P_J_Sch

Real “former harlequin player”

We can breathe in any atmosphere, and we can eat almost anything. Our wounds close before they can bleed, and we can survive even with our organs damaged."

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

Replied to HereForGoodRead

Well this wasn’t his body 3 weeks ago when payment was do but also I need a excuse to grow plot

"Yo, kid, I'm sorry to hear about your parents, but you're two months late on your protection fee, and the Penguin isn't a man you want to keep waiting," the man said, trying to push the door open.

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

In DC with the ability’s of rainbow six operators New

Anime & Comics · Kaguya_otsutsukii

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