I really like the concept. Please continue.
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Movies · 4give_NoobWriter
That twist was niiiiice
I like this story as well as your other one.
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Anime & Comics · notaccount
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Anime & Comics · notaccount
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Anime & Comics · notaccount
Was that a Shrek reference.
[Well you see there are things in this universe that are simply impossible to happen no matter how hard you try it's just that that's how things are supposed to be and even gods cant change them those are the rules that were set when the universe was first created. but what happened to you is something that defies those rules it's out of the realm of possibilities even a donkey impregnating a dragon is more plausible than what happened to you.]
Fantasy · Miyuki_Cat
I really like this and would like to see it continue.
MHA: Logan
Anime & Comics · TheBaldWizard